


This is a plugin for kanata, automatically change layer by detecting current active window.


Layer check in order from top to bottom, until match successful.

Layer change only occur in the layers defined in config file. If current kanata's layer is not exist in config file, it won't be changed.

# "exe" can be full path or part of full path.
# Use "*" match all processes(This is not wildcard nor regular), please put it on last.

# "target_layer" must be exist in kanata config,

- exe: "C:\\path\\ProjectZomboid\\ProjectZomboid64.exe"
  target_layer: "game_layer"
- exe: "firefox.exe"
  target_layer: "browser_layer"
- exe: "*"
  target_layer: "default_layer"


First run kanata with TCP server, pass -p flag and port.

kanata.exe -p 1234

Then run kanawin with administrator. This will look for the configuration file kanawin.yaml in executable file directory.

kanawin.exe -p 1234

or pass config file path.

kanawin.exe -p 1234 -c D:/path/kanawin.yaml

set environment variable RUST_LOG="debug" get more console information.

Support table

KanawinKanata - 1.5.0 -