

Hardware Specification

CPU : Intel i7-9700K

GPU: Sapphire Rx 580 Nitro+ Special Edition

RAM: Corsair 3200MHz DDR4 16GB x 4 (64GB)

Motherboard: Z390 Designare

BIOS revision: F8

Wifi/BT Card: Fenvi FV-T919

WebCam: Logitech C920

Keyboard/Mouse: Space Gray Magic Keyboard/Mouse/Trackpad2

NVMESSD: Samsung 970 Pro 500GB (macOS Mojave)

SSD: Samsung 860 Evo 250GB (macOS Ventura)

SSD: Samsung 850 Evo 250GB (Windows 10)

HDD: Western Digital Blue 4TB x 2

Power Supply: Corsair RM850x White

CPU Cooler: NH-D15S Dual NF-A15 Chromax.Black

Case: NZXT H440 White Mid Tower Case


Note 1: Config.plist changes for Sierra(10.12.6) ~ Catalina

- SecureBootModel -> Disabled
- UEFI -> APFS -> MinDate and MinVersion -> -1

Note 2: For Sierra(10.12.6) and High Sierra(10.13.6)

- Change SMBIOS to iMac18,3 

- iGPU DeviceProperty -> AAPL,ig-platform-id -> 03001259 (For headless mode)  
                                             -> 00001259 (To drive a display)     
                      -> rps-control instead of igfxfw (For Sierra Only)    
- Spoof to i7-7700K CPUID (0x0906E9) for (Sierra 10.12.6)   

- Boot-args -> -disablegfxfirmware (For Sierra only. This prevents firmware load)

Not Working

BIOS Settings

Run Load Optimized Defaults

Note: F8 BIOS does not have CFG_Unlock option. MSR 0xE2 has been unlocked following the guide written by CaseySJ.





ACPI USB Port Mapping


macOS Update Notes

macOS Sierra 10.12.6

macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

macOS Mojave ~ Catalina

macOS Big Sur

macOS Monterey

macOS Ventura

Geekbench 5

<img width="973" alt="Screen Shot 2020-07-14 at 1 09 02 AM" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/97265013/185341359-56b1625c-2ea8-495e-a606-db66cc1d8bc2.png">


Big thanks to Hackintosh community and those who contributed to make hackintosh possible from the beginning to the end!