

<a href="https://apparence.io"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Apparence-io/camera_awesome/master/docs/img/apparence.png" width="100%" /> </a> <div style="margin-top:40px"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Apparence-io/camera_awesome/master/docs/img/preview.png" width="100%" /> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Apparence-io/camera_awesome/master/docs/img/features.png" width="100%" style="margin-top:32px" /> </div> <a href="https://apparencekit.dev" style="margin-top:32px"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Apparence-io/camera_awesome/master/docs/img/flutter_template.png" width="100%" alt="ApparenceKit Flutter template to bootstrap your next app" /> </a>

This plugin is also available as a template in ApparenceKit.<br>



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๐Ÿ“ธ Embedding a camera experience within your own app shouldn't be that hard. <br> A flutter plugin to integrate awesome Android / iOS camera experience.<br>

<br> This package provides you with a fully customizable camera experience that you can use within your app.<br> Use our awesome built-in interface or customize it as you want.
<div style="margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px"> <a href="https://docs.page/Apparence-io/camera_awesome" style=""> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Apparence-io/camera_awesome/master/docs/img/doc.png" width="100%" /> </a> </div>

Migration guide

If you are migrating from version 1.x.x to 2.x.x, please read the migration guide.

Native features

Here's all native features that cameraAwesome provides to the flutter side.

๐Ÿ”– Ask permissionsโœ…โœ…
๐ŸŽฅ Record videoโœ…โœ…
๐Ÿ“น Multi camera (๐Ÿšง BETA)โœ…โœ…
๐Ÿ”ˆ Enable/disable audioโœ…โœ…
๐ŸŽž Take photosโœ…โœ…
๐ŸŒ† Photo live filtersโœ…โœ…
๐ŸŒค Exposure levelโœ…โœ…
๐Ÿ“ก Broadcast live image streamโœ…โœ…
๐Ÿงช Image analysis (barcode scan & more.)โœ…โœ…
๐Ÿ‘ Zoomโœ…โœ…
๐Ÿ“ธ Device flash supportโœ…โœ…
โŒ›๏ธ Auto focusโœ…โœ…
๐Ÿ“ฒ Live switching cameraโœ…โœ…
๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ Camera rotation streamโœ…โœ…
๐Ÿค Background auto stopโœ…โœ…
๐Ÿ”€ Sensor type switchingโ›”๏ธโœ…
๐Ÿชž Enable/disable front camera mirroringโœ…โœ…

๐Ÿ“–ย  Installation and usage

Add the package in your pubspec.yaml

  camerawesome: ^2.0.0-dev.1

Platform specific setup

Add these on ios/Runner/Info.plist:

<string>Your own description</string>

<string>To enable microphone access when recording video</string>

<string>To enable GPS location access for Exif data</string>

Change the minimum SDK version to 21 (or higher) in android/app/build.gradle:

minSdkVersion 21

In order to be able to take pictures or record videos, you may need additional permissions depending on the Android version and where you want to save them. Read more about it in the official documentation.

WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is not included in the plugin starting with version 1.4.0.

If you want to record videos with audio, add this permission to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />

  <!-- Other declarations -->

You may also want to save location of your pictures in exif metadata. In this case, add below permissions:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />

  <!-- Other declarations -->
<details> <summary>โš ๏ธ Overriding Android dependencies</summary>

Some of the dependencies used by CamerAwesome can be overriden if you have a conflict. Change these variables to define which version you want to use:

buildscript {
  ext.kotlin_version = '1.7.10'
  ext {
    // You can override these variables
    compileSdkVersion = 33
    minSdkVersion = 24 // 21 minimum
    playServicesLocationVersion = "20.0.0"
    exifInterfaceVersion = "1.3.4"
  // ...

Only change these variables if you are sure of what you are doing.

For example, setting the Play Services Location version might help you when you have conflicts with other plugins. The below line shows an example of these conflicts:

java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found interface com.google.android.gms.location.ActivityRecognitionClient, but class was expected

Import the package in your Flutter app

import 'package:camerawesome/camerawesome_plugin.dart';

๐Ÿ‘Œ Awesome built-in interface

Just use our builder. <br> That's all you need to create a complete camera experience within your app.

  saveConfig: SaveConfig.photoAndVideo(),
  onMediaTap: (mediaCapture) {

CamerAwesome default UI

This builder can be customized with various settings:

Here is an example:

Customized UI

Check the full documentation to learn more.

๐ŸŽจ Creating a custom interface

If the awesome() factory is not enough, you can use custom() instead.

It provides a builder property that lets you create your own camera experience. <br>

The camera preview will be visible behind what you will provide to the builder.

  saveConfig: SaveConfig.photo(),
  builder: (state, previewSize, previewRect) {
    // create your interface here

See more in documentation

Working with the custom builder

Here is the definition of our builder method.

typedef CameraLayoutBuilder = Widget Function(CameraState cameraState, PreviewSize previewSize, Rect previewRect);
<br> The only thing you have access to manage the camera is the cameraState.<br> Depending on which state is our camera experience you will have access to some different method. <br> `previewSize` and `previewRect` might be used to position your UI around or on top of the camera preview. <br>

How do CamerAwesome states work ?

Using the state you can do anything you need without having to think about the camera flow<br><br>

  onPhotoMode: (photoState) => photoState.start(),
  onVideoMode: (videoState) => videoState.start(),
  onVideoRecordingMode: (videoState) => videoState.pause(),

See more in documentation


๐Ÿ Listen to picture or video event

Using the onMediaCaptureEvent you can listen to any media capture event and do whatever you want with it.

onMediaCaptureEvent: (event) {
    switch ((event.status, event.isPicture, event.isVideo)) {
        case (MediaCaptureStatus.capturing, true, false):
            debugPrint('Capturing picture...');
        case (MediaCaptureStatus.success, true, false):
                single: (single) {
                debugPrint('Picture saved: ${single.file?.path}');
                multiple: (multiple) {
                multiple.fileBySensor.forEach((key, value) {
                    debugPrint('multiple image taken: $key ${value?.path}');
        case (MediaCaptureStatus.failure, true, false):
            debugPrint('Failed to capture picture: ${event.exception}');
        case (MediaCaptureStatus.capturing, false, true):
            debugPrint('Capturing video...');
        case (MediaCaptureStatus.success, false, true):
                single: (single) {
                    debugPrint('Video saved: ${single.file?.path}');
                multiple: (multiple) {
                    multiple.fileBySensor.forEach((key, value) {
                        debugPrint('multiple video taken: $key ${value?.path}');
        case (MediaCaptureStatus.failure, false, true):
            debugPrint('Failed to capture video: ${event.exception}');
            debugPrint('Unknown event: $event');

๐Ÿ”ฌ Analysis mode

Use this to achieve:

Face AI

You can check examples using MLKit inside the example directory. The above example is from ai_analysis_faces.dart. It detects faces and draw their contours.

It's also possible to use MLKit to read barcodes:

Barcode scanning

Check ai_analysis_barcode.dart and preview_overlay_example.dart for examples or the documentation.

How to use it

  saveConfig: SaveConfig.photo(),
  onImageForAnalysis: analyzeImage,
  imageAnalysisConfig: AnalysisConfig(
        // Android specific options
        androidOptions: const AndroidAnalysisOptions.nv21(
            // Target width (CameraX will chose the closest resolution to this width)
            width: 250,
        // Wether to start automatically the analysis (true by default)
        autoStart: true,
        // Max frames per second, null for no limit (default)
        maxFramesPerSecond: 20,

MLkit recommends using nv21 format for Android. <br> bgra8888 is the iOS format For machine learning you don't need full-resolution images (720 or lower should be enough and makes computation easier)

Learn more about the image analysis configuration in the documentation .

Check also detailed explanations on how to use MLKit to read barcodes and detect faces.

โš ๏ธ On Android, some devices don't support video recording and image analysis at the same time.

๐Ÿฝ Updating Sensor configuration

Through state you can access to a SensorConfig class.

setZoomchange zoom
setFlashModechange flash between NONE,ON,AUTO,ALWAYS
setBrightnesschange brightness level manually (better to let this auto)
setMirrorFrontCameraset mirroring for front camera

All of these configurations are listenable through a stream so your UI can automatically get updated according to the actual configuration.


๐ŸŒ† Photo live filters

Apply live filters to your pictures using the built-in interface:

Built-in live filters

You can also choose to use a specific filter from the start:

  // other params
  filter: AwesomeFilter.AddictiveRed,
  availableFilters: ...

Or set the filter programmatically:

  builder: (cameraState, previewSize, previewRect) {
    return cameraState.when(
      onPreparingCamera: (state) =>
      const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
      onPhotoMode: (state) =>
          TakePhotoUI(state, onFilterTap: () {
      onVideoMode: (state) => RecordVideoUI(state, recording: false),
      onVideoRecordingMode: (state) =>
          RecordVideoUI(state, recording: true),

See all available filters in the documentation.

[!TIP] By default the awesome ui setup has a filter list but you can pass an empty list to remove it

๐Ÿ“ท ๐Ÿ“ท Concurrent cameras

Concurrent cameras

๐Ÿšง Feature in beta ๐Ÿšง Any feedback is welcome!

In order to start using CamerAwesome with multiple cameras simulatenously, you need to define a SensorConfig that uses several sensors. You can use the SensorConfig.multiple() constructor for this:

    sensorConfig: SensorConfig.multiple(
        sensors: [
        flashMode: FlashMode.auto,
        aspectRatio: CameraAspectRatios.ratio_16_9,
    // Other params

This feature is not supported by all devices and even when it is, there are limitations that you must be aware of.

Check the details in the dedicated documentation.

<br> <a href="https://apparence.io"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Apparence-io/camera_awesome/master/docs/img/apparence.png" width="100%" /> </a>