


Build Status

This is a websocket-based real-time communication server, your applications communicate with it via simple JSON REST API.

Visit http://channelstream.org for more information.

Installation and Setup

Use from docker:

docker pull channelstream/channelstream:latest
docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -e CHANNELSTREAM_ALLOW_POSTING_FROM= channelstream/channelstream:latest

Direct usage

Obtain source from github and do:

YOUR_PYTHON_ENV/bin/pip install channelstream

Generate new configuration:

YOUR_PYTHON_ENV/bin/channelstream_utils make_config -o config.ini

Start the server:

YOUR_PYTHON_ENV/bin/channelstream -i config.ini


Demo applications live in https://github.com/Channelstream/channelstream_demos repository.

They show common patterns used in real-time applications.

Security and communication model

Channelstream provides API explorer that you can use to interact with various endpoints, it is available by default under

To send information client interacts only with your normal www application. Your app handled authentication and processing messages from client, then passed them as signed message to channelstream server for broadcast.

websocket client -> webapp (security and transformation happens here) -> REST call to socket server -> broadcast to other clients

This model is easy to implement, secure, easy to scale and allows all kind of languages/apps/work queues to interact with socket server.

All messages need to be signed with a HMAC of destination endpoint ::

import requests
from itsdangerous import TimestampSigner
signer = TimestampSigner(SERVER_SECRET)
sig_for_server = signer.sign('/connect')
secret_headers = {'x-channelstream-secret': sig_for_server,
                  'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload),

Data format and endpoints

Please consult API Explorer ( for in depth information about endpoints.

Some examples:

Client API

Admin API

Responses to js client

Responses to client are in form of list containing objects:


new message ::

"date": "2011-09-15T11:36:18.471862",
"message": MSG_PAYLOAD,
"type": "message",
"user": "NAME_OF_POSTER",
"channel": "CHAN_NAME"

presence info ::

"date": "2011-09-15T11:43:47.434905",
"message": {"action":"joined/parted"},
"type": "presence",
"user": "NAME_OF_POSTER",
"channel": "CHAN_NAME"

Currently following message types are emited: message, message:edit, message:delete, presence, user_state_change.