

Create a palette preview image by using a simple config file

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Big changes from v5 to v6!

This repository contains the v6 release candidate version of the code.
Check out the migration guide before upgrading.
v6 will be released to PyPi after more testing and after an upstream update.


  1. pip install prev_gen
  2. Open up the wiki to see how everything works
  3. Create a file based on instructions (or just edit the python, yaml, json, or toml examples)
  4. # in a python file
    palette = [...]
    from prev_gen import Previewer
    or use the cli tool prev_gen for conversions with no code


Inspired by the great Gruvbox theme, where even the preview is impressive
And so, below is the Gruvbox palette preview recreated with this app (click for selectable text)