

This is a Sidebar Swipeable ideally for touch screen devices

link to demo


option 1: use the cdn

Add the script to your file

This is for normal usage below

<!-- compiled with babel for browser compatibility -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sidebar-swipe@0.8.4/dist/lib/index.min.js"></script>
<!-- or -->
<!--  may only be compatible for modern browsers. -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sidebar-swipe@0.8.4/dist/lib/mb.index.min.js"></script>

option 2: using npm

npm install sidebar-swipe

then in your file

import SideBarSwipe from 'sidebar-swipe';



check the example in the svelte repl demo on how to use the svelte component.

the svelte component sample with defaults

    transitionTimingFunc='cubic-bezier(0.9, 0.28, 0.08, 1.13)'

Because for svelte it's a component not just a lib.

demo for svelte

As Custom Elememt

To use as custom element check the code or files "demo/custom" to see the example

the custom element sample with defaults

  transitionTimingFunc="cubic-bezier(0.9, 0.28, 0.08, 1.13)"

link to custom Elememt demo

normal usage

defaults: sidebar left: don't add the right attribute or add right=false attribute

for sidebar right:- add a right or right=true attribute to the side-bar element

<div id="side-bar" style="display: none" right="false">
  <nav width="76">


the "style='display: none'" is recommeded

you can use any other html tags instead of nav example div

  'these are the default options';
  const options = {
    sideOpacity: 0.2,
    transitionDuration: 300,
    maxScreenWidth: 786,
    transitionTimingFunc: 'cubic-bezier(0.9, 0.28, 0.08, 1.13)',

  const swipe = new SideBarSwipe(selector, options);

  new SideBarSwipe('#side-bar', options);

opening and closing the sidebar

swipe.open(); // to open the sidebar
swipe.close(); // to close the sidebar
swipe.toggle(); //to toggle the open and close


<button onclick="swipe.open()"><button></button></button>

Note: swipe is the swipe variable declared with const above.

You might atleast consider changing the maxScreenWidth for which the side bar should apply to match your use case

NOTE: width is in percentage(%):- it is the width of the sidebar :: defaults 80

sideOpacity: it's the opacity of the remaining width(100-width of sidebar) :: defaults 0.3

maxScreenWidth: It's maximum window.innnerwidth for the browser at which the sidebar should apply and more that the elements within it will be visible but not as a sidebar :: defaults 768

transitionDuration: this is total transition duration for the .open() and .close() of the sidebar but not for swipe :: defaults 300

transitionTimingFunc: It is the timing function of the transition :: defaults 'ease'

right: if true the sidebar will swipe from the right AND if false the sidebar will swipe from the left :: defaults left