


A simple utility class for libGDX that records a GIF and saves it automatically.


To begin, add this project as a dependency in your build.gradle file. See this JITPack link or click the JITPack badge above to see how.

Since the recorder uses a SpriteBatch to draw its GUI, you'll first start by creating a GIF recorder with recorder = new GifRecorder(someSpriteBatch) somewhere in your create() method.

Then, in your render() method, call recorder.update() after you've drawn everything you want to record.

And that's it! You're done.

Default Controls:

By default, recordings are saved to ./gifexports/recording-xxxxxx.gif.

Note that images are also exported to a temporary working directory while the GIF is being compiled, ./.gifimages/.

Known Issues

Starting the write of the output GIF on Mac seems to cause a freeze. Cause is currently unknown.