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gpt-engineer lets you:

Getting Started

Install gpt-engineer

For stable release:

For development:

We actively support Python 3.10 - 3.12. The last version to support Python 3.8 - 3.9 was 0.2.6.

Setup API key

Choose one of:

Check the Windows README for Windows usage.

Other ways to run:

Create new code (default usage)

Improve existing code

Benchmark custom agents

By running gpt-engineer, you agree to our terms.

Relation to gptengineer.app (GPT Engineer)

gptengineer.app is a commercial project for the automatic generation of web apps. It features a UI for non-technical users connected to a git-controlled codebase. The gptengineer.app team is actively supporting the open source community.


Pre Prompts

You can specify the "identity" of the AI agent by overriding the preprompts folder with your own version of the preprompts. You can do so via the --use-custom-preprompts argument.

Editing the preprompts is how you make the agent remember things between projects.


By default, gpt-engineer expects text input via a prompt file. It can also accept image inputs for vision-capable models. This can be useful for adding UX or architecture diagrams as additional context for GPT Engineer. You can do this by specifying an image directory with the —-image_directory flag and setting a vision-capable model in the second CLI argument.

E.g. gpte projects/example-vision gpt-4-vision-preview --prompt_file prompt/text --image_directory prompt/images -i

Open source, local and alternative models

By default, gpt-engineer supports OpenAI Models via the OpenAI API or Azure OpenAI API, as well as Anthropic models.

With a little extra setup, you can also run with open source models like WizardCoder. See the documentation for example instructions.


The gpt-engineer community mission is to maintain tools that coding agent builders can use and facilitate collaboration in the open source community.

If you are interested in contributing to this, we are interested in having you.

If you want to see our broader ambitions, check out the roadmap, and join discord to learn how you can contribute to it.

gpt-engineer is governed by a board of long-term contributors. If you contribute routinely and have an interest in shaping the future of gpt-engineer, you will be considered for the board.

