

Official PyTorch Implementation of "Nearest is Not Dearest: Towards Practical Defense against Quantization-conditioned Backdoor Attacks" (CVPR 2024)


This repository contains the official PyTorch implementation required to replicate the primary results presented in the paper "Nearest is Not Dearest: Towards Practical Defense against Quantization-conditioned Backdoor Attacks" for CVPR 2024.

Setup Instructions

This section provides a detailed guide to prepare the environment and execute the project. Please adhere to the steps outlined below.

1. Environment Setup

2. Installation of Dependencies

Execution Guidelines

1. Prepare the Environment

2. Run the Project

Some Additional Notes

The primary objective of the activation preservation term in EFRAP is to compensate for benign accuracy after error-guided flipped rounding. Except for the activation MSE loss proposed by Nagel et al., many other alternative losses can be chosen for this purpose, e.g., FlexRound [1], FIM-based Minimization [2], Prediction Difference Metric [3], or any other losses that can improve post-training quantization and are compatible for the 0-1 integer programming optimization. We have experimentally observed that these losses, although originally designed to minimize accuracy loss during quantization, can mitigate the quantization-conditioned backdoors in some cases (but we did not do comprehensive experiments to verify this). It would be interesting to further discover these mechanisms in future works.


[1]: Lee J H, Kim J, Kwon S J, et al. Flexround: Learnable rounding based on element-wise division for post-training quantization[C]//International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2023: 18913-18939.

[2]: Li Y, Gong R, Tan X, et al. BRECQ: Pushing the Limit of Post-Training Quantization by Block Reconstruction[C]//International Conference on Learning Representations. 2020.

[3]: Liu J, Niu L, Yuan Z, et al. Pd-quant: Post-training quantization based on prediction difference metric[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2023: 24427-24437.


The implementation is heavily based on the MQBench framework, accessible at MQBench Repository.


Should this work assist your research, feel free to cite us via:

  title={Nearest is not dearest: Towards practical defense against quantization-conditioned backdoor attacks},
  author={Li, Boheng and Cai, Yishuo and Li, Haowei and Xue, Feng and Li, Zhifeng and Li, Yiming},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},