

ESP8266 Micropython driver for SSD1306 OLED 128x64 display.

font5x7.fnt is a 5 x 7 font file. It holds the font in pure binary and so uses only 480 bytes When the display needs a character it reads the five bytes it needs from the file rather than loading the whole font into memory

bmp.py converts a 24-bit BITMAP file to a displayed image. Although this is a colour format, the image must be black and white.

lcd_gfx.py is not my work. It came from here https://forum.micropython.org/viewtopic.php?t=195

icon.bmp is the bitmap that is displayed in main.py. Be aware there is cuerrently no positioning, size check or resizing.

invoke the display with:

from SSD1306 import SSD1306

if you use different pins then you will need to specify these in the inital call

d = PCD8544()


d.init_display() # displays the Project Pages logo

d.clear() # clears the display buffer

d.display() # writes the buffer to the actual display

d._row is the character row

d._col is the character column


d.p_string('hello world')


I have added a main.py that demonstrates the string printing and drawing capabilities