

Web Greeter for LightDM

Latest Release  Codacy Grade  CircleCI  Theme API Docs  AUR Votes

Install It

Distro Packages

DistroInstall Command/Links
antergossudo pacman -S lightdm-webkit2-greeter
archyaourt -S lightdm-webkit2-greeter
fedoradnf copr enable antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter
openSUSE1 Click Install
ubuntuOBS Repo

From Source


antergos    archubuntufedoraopenSUSE

NOTE: These instructions are for the master branch. To build the latest release, please see the stable branch.

Download & Install

git clone https://github.com/Antergos/web-greeter.git /tmp/greeter
cd /tmp/greeter
sudo make install

Theme JavaScript API

The greeter exposes a JavaScript API to themes which they must use to interact with the greeter (in order to facilitate the user login process). For more details, check out the API Documentation.


You can run the greeter from within your desktop session if you add the following line to the desktop file for your session located in /usr/share/xsessions/: X-LightDM-Allow-Greeter=true.

You have to log out and log back in after adding that line. Then you can run the greeter from command line.


Themes can be opened with a debug console if you set debug_mode to true inside /etc/lightdm/web-greeter.yml.

Note: Do not use lightdm --test-mode as it is not supported.


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