

<br /> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=".logo.png" alt="Logo" height="80"> </a> <h1 align="center">Terraform Apply Manager</h1> <p align="center"><i>A Rust-based wrapper for concurrent Terraform apply, enabling multi-deployment support.</i></p> </p>

tfam stands for "Terraform Apply Manager"

tfam interactive demo

How it works

flowchart TD
    A(tfam) --> C{dev.tfvars}
    A(tfam) --> E{staging.tfvars}
    A(tfam) --> F{production.tfvars}
    C  --> ter(terraform)
    E  --> te(terraform)
    F  --> t(terraform)


Terraform Apply Manager interacts with the Terraform binary and provides the following features:

By providing these features, Terraform Apply Manager offers a seamless and flexible way to interact with the Terraform binary, without interfering with the user's workflow or modifying the behavior of the binary.


To install tfam, simply run the install.sh script provided in this repository. The script will automatically download and install the necessary dependencies, and set up tfexe on your system.

wget -q -O -  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ant0wan/tfam/master/install.sh | sh


To use tfam, you can set the following environment variables or provide command-line options:

TFAM_EXE: Set the Terraform executable path or binary to be used by tfam. For example:

TFAM_EXE=tfexe tfam init
TFAM_EXE=tofu tfam init
TFAM_EXE=terraform tfam init
TFAM_EXE=path/to/your/binary tfam init

TF_WORKSPACE_FORMAT: This environment variable defines an awk-like format for generating workspace names based on file paths. The placeholders $1, $2, etc., represent segments of the file path, with $1 corresponding to the first segment and $-1 corresponding to the last segment. For example:

export TF_WORKSPACE_FORMAT='myworkspace-$2_$1_$3'
export TF_WORKSPACE_FORMAT='$-3_$-1_$-2'

Command-line options:

-interactive: Enables an interactive selection menu for certain operations.

-concurrent: Allows running operations concurrently.

-var-file: Specifies one or more variable files to be used. For example:

tfam plan -var-file /path/to/file1 -var-file /path/to/file2

Please note that the specific functionalities and behavior may vary depending on the version of tfam and the Terraform version being used.



complete -W "-interactive -concurrent -workspace-format" -d -f -C $(which terraform) tfam


This repository is protected by the GPL3 (GNU General Public License v3.0). You can find the full text of the license in the LICENSE file. Please review and comply with the terms and conditions of the GPL3 license before using or contributing to this project.

For any questions, bug reports, or contributions, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Thank you for using tfam!