


A simple bash-inspired prompt for ZIM, the ZSH-IMproved shell.

<img width="706" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ansimorph/oblong/main/screenshot.png" alt="Tango Dark Theme"> <img width="619" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ansimorph/oblong/main/screenshot2.png" alt="Nord Theme">

This prompt is based on gitster and basher.

What does it show?

Advanced settings

This theme can customized by changing the following git-info module context formats, after the theme has been initialized:

Context nameDescriptionDefault value
branchBranch name%b
commitCommit short hash%c
cleanClean state%F{green} ◍
dirtyDirty state%F{red} ◍

Use the following command to change the value of a context format:

zstyle ':zim:git-info:<context_name>' format '<new_value>'

For detailed information, check the git-info documentation.


Requires Zim's git-info module to show git information.