

<h1 align="left">RegionCL: Can Simple Region Swapping Contribute to Contrastive Learning? <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.12309"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/arXiv-Paper-<COLOR>.svg" ></a> </a> </h1> <p align="center"> <a href="#introduction">Introduction</a> | <a href="#results">Results</a> | <a href="#installation">Installation</a> | <a href="#news">News</a> </p>


<p align="justify">This repository contains the code, models, test results for the paper <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.12309">RegionCL: Can Simple Region Swapping Contribute to Contrastive Learning?</a>. It contains a simple region swapping module to construct both global- and region-level contrastive pairs with minor modifications to current self-supervised methods, e.g., MoCov2, DenseCL, SimSiam, and so on. <img src="demo/NetworkStructure.png">


We test RegionCL-M/D/S on the ImageNet dataset for classification, MS COCO dataset for detection, instance segmentation and human pose estimation, Cityscapes dataset for instance and semantic segmentation, and AP-10K dataset for animal pose estimation. The results and training logs are available below.

Pretrain & Classification on ImageNet-1K

ModelPretrainIN1K Linear
RegionCL-Mlog | config69.4 | log
RegionCL-DN/A68.5 | N/A
RegionCL-SN/A71.3 | N/A

MaskRCNN detection and segmentation on MS COCO

ModelMS COCO Det&Seg C4 1xMS COCO Det&Seg FPN 1x
RegionCL-M39.8&34.8 | log40.1&36.3 | log
RegionCL-D40.3&35.2 | N/A40.4&36.7 | N/A
RegionCL-S38.7&33.7 | N/A38.8&35.2 | N/A
ModelMS COCO Det&Seg C4 2xMS COCO Det&Seg FPN 2x
RegionCL-M41.5&35.9 | log41.6&37.7 | log
RegionCL-D41.8&36.4 | N/A42.1&38.0 | N/A
RegionCL-S40.7&35.4 | N/A41.0&37.1 | N/A

RetinaNet detection on MS COCO

ModelMS COCO Det 1xMS COCO Det 2x
RegionCL-M38.4 | log40.1 | log
RegionCL-D38.8 | N/A40.6 | N/A
RegionCL-S36.8 | N/A39.1 | N/A

Instance and semantic segmentation on Cityscapes

ModelMaskRCNN Inst-SegUperNet Sem-Seg 40KUperNet Sem-Seg 80K
RegionCL-M34.9 | log78.1 | log79.0 | log
RegionCL-D34.8 | N/A78.7 | N/A79.5 | N/A
RegionCL-S34.9 | N/A77.8 | N/A78.7 | N/A

SimpleBaseline pose estimation on MS COCO and AP-10K

ModelHuman PoseAnimal Pose


The code is based on Openselfsup, thanks for their wonderful work!


  1. Install mmcv following the requirements as in link

  2. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/Annbless/RegionCL.git

  3. Go into the repository

    cd RegionCL

  4. Install this repository

    pip install -v -e .


2021/12/30 Release the code and results for RegionCL-M

To do