


Allows scraping ERC721 tokens for their metadata and images, flipping images and uploading new metadata to IPFS.

Metadata retrieval:


# Install dependencies
npm install

# Copy environment variables
cp .env.sample .env

# Edit environment variables
vim .env

# Run flipper
npm run start


A majority of Ethereum NFT metadata is stored via IPFS. While you can use a public IPFS gateway with these scripts, you will be quickly rate-limited.

As such, it is recommended to run your own local node (<1m setup time):

# Install ipfs
# Mac:
brew install ipfs
# Debian
apt install ipfs -y

# Initialize
ipfs init

# Start daemon
ipfs daemon

Or, to get a private gateway from a provider like Pinata ($20/month).

Flipped metadata is also stored on IPFS. It is recommended to use a gateway from a pinning service, so you do not lose your metadata upon killing your local daemon.

Potential expansions