


Files required for prepping a Hackintosh on ThinkPad E14. This Hackintosh is not yet tested fully. There are some issues. Please join our Slack Workspace to be a part of this awesome team by using this link - https://join.slack.com/t/hackintoshthinkpade14/shared_invite/zt-txdirqpz-xzW89SOpF~48nH_a07f0Yg.

Method Used

Dortania's OpenCore Install Guide - https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/

First attempt

Problems after first successful bootup

Other problems: Too much time for booting up (almost 3-4 minutes).

P. S. Checklist is added to denote live debugging process. Ticked items are successfully debugged items. Details about debugging is mentioned in this README file itself.

Working things after first successful bootup

Successful Wi-Fi Patch

Successful iGPU and Backlight Patch

Successful sound patch

Successful Bluetooth and Webcam patch

Successful battery patch

Cosmetic changes

Sleep/Wake Fixed

sudo pmset -a standbydelayhigh 0
sudo pmset -a ttyskeepawake 0   
sudo pmset -a gpuswitch 0    
sudo pmset -a halfdim 0  
sudo pmset -a womp 0      
sudo pmset -a acwake 0
sudo pmset -a networkoversleep 0```
- **Note:** If you want to use hibernation (know more using `man peset` command in the terminal), use `sudo peseta -a hibernatemode 3`. 
If you are okay with slower sleeps, slower wakes but want improved battery life, use `sudo -a hibernatemode 25`