


A Polygon <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clipping_(computer_graphics)">Clipping</a> and <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_curve">Offsetting</a> library (in C++, C# & Delphi)<br>

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The <b>Clipper2</b> library performs intersection, union, difference and XOR boolean operations on both simple and complex polygons. It also performs polygon offsetting. This is a major update of my original <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/polyclipping/"><b>Clipper</b></a> library that was written over 10 years ago. That library I'm now calling <b>Clipper1</b>, and while it still works very well, Clipper2 is better in just about every way.


<b>Clipper2</b> can be compiled using either C++, or C#, or Delphi Pascal. The library can also be accessed from other programming languages by dynamically linking to exported functions in the C++ compiled Clipper2 library. (Since the C++ compiled code is measurably faster, C# and Delphi developers may also prefer this approach in applications where the library's performance is critical.)

C++:Requires C++17 (could be modified to C++11 with relatively minor changes), or
C#:The library uses Standard Library 2.0 but the sample code uses .NET6, or
Delphi:Compiles with any version of Delphi from version 7 to current.


<a href="http://www.angusj.com/clipper2/Docs/Overview.htm"><b>Extensive HTML documentation</b></a> <br><br>


<pre> //C++ Paths64 subject, clip, solution; subject.push_back(MakePath({100, 50, 10, 79, 65, 2, 65, 98, 10, 21})); clip.push_back(MakePath({98, 63, 4, 68, 77, 8, 52, 100, 19, 12})); solution = Intersect(subject, clip, FillRule::NonZero);</pre> <pre> //C# Paths64 subj = new Paths64(); Paths64 clip = new Paths64(); subj.Add(Clipper.MakePath(new int[] { 100, 50, 10, 79, 65, 2, 65, 98, 10, 21 })); clip.Add(Clipper.MakePath(new int[] { 98, 63, 4, 68, 77, 8, 52, 100, 19, 12 })); Paths64 solution = Clipper.Intersect(subj, clip, FillRule.NonZero);</pre> <pre> //Delphi var subject, clip, solution: TPaths64; begin SetLength(subject, 1); subject[0] := MakePath([100, 50, 10, 79, 65, 2, 65, 98, 10, 21]); SetLength(clip, 1); clip[0] := MakePath([98, 63, 4, 68, 77, 8, 52, 100, 19, 12]); solution := Intersect( subject, clip, frNonZero);</pre>



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