

Perfect Shape 1.0.8

Geometric Algorithms

Gem Version Test

(Used by Fukuoka 2022 Special Award Winning Glimmer DSL for LibUI Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library)

PerfectShape is a collection of pure Ruby geometric algorithms that are mostly useful for GUI (Graphical User Interface) manipulation like checking viewport rectangle intersection or containment of a mouse click point in popular geometry shapes such as rectangle, square, arc (open, chord, and pie), ellipse, circle, polygon, and paths containing lines, quadratic bézier curves, and cubic bezier curves, potentially with affine transforms applied like translation, scale, rotation, shear/skew, and inversion (including both the Ray Casting Algorithm, aka Even-odd Rule, and the Winding Number Algorithm, aka Nonzero Rule).

Additionally, PerfectShape::Math contains some purely mathematical algorithms, like IEEE 754-1985 Remainder.

To ensure accuracy and precision, this library does all its mathematical operations with BigDecimal numbers.



gem install perfect-shape -v 1.0.8

Or include in Bundler Gemfile:

gem 'perfect-shape', '~> 1.0.8'

And, run:







This is a base class for all shapes. It is not meant to be used directly. Subclasses implement/override its methods as needed.





Includes PerfectShape::PointLocation





Affine transforms have the following matrix:

[ xxp xyp xt ]<br> [ yxp yyp yt ]

The matrix is used to transform (x,y) point coordinates as follows:

[ xxp xyp xt ] * [x] = [ xxp * x + xyp * y + xt ]<br> [ yxp yyp yt ] * [y] = [ yxp * x + yyp * y + yt ]

xxp is the x coordinate x product (m11)<br> xyp is the x coordinate y product (m12)<br> yxp is the y coordinate x product (m21)<br> yyp is the y coordinate y product (m22)<br> xt is the x coordinate translation (m13)<br> yt is the y coordinate translation (m23)

Affine transform mutation operations ending with ! can be chained as they all return self.


xxp = 2
xyp = 3
yxp = 4
yyp = 5
xt = 6
yt = 7
affine_transform1 = PerfectShape::AffineTransform.new(xxp: xxp, xyp: xyp, yxp: yxp, yyp: yyp, xt: xt, yt: yt) # (x,y)-operation kwarg names
affine_transform2 = PerfectShape::AffineTransform.new(m11: xxp, m12: xyp, m21: yxp, m22: yyp, m13: xt, m23: yt) # traditional matrix element kwarg names
affine_transform3 = PerfectShape::AffineTransform.new(xxp, xyp, yxp, yyp, xt, yt) # standard arguments

affine_transform2.matrix_3d == affine_transform1.matrix_3d # => true
affine_transform3.matrix_3d == affine_transform1.matrix_3d # => true

affine_transform = PerfectShape::AffineTransform.new.translate!(30, 20).scale!(2, 3)

affine_transform.transform_point(10, 10) # => approximately [50, 50]
affine_transform.inverse_transform_point(50, 50) # => approximately [10, 10]



Extends PerfectShape::Shape

Includes PerfectShape::PointLocation


Points are simply represented by an Array of [x,y] coordinates when used within other shapes, but when needing point-specific operations like point_distance, the PerfectShape::Point class can come in handy.


require 'perfect-shape'

shape = PerfectShape::Point.new(x: 200, y: 150)

shape.contain?(200, 150) # => true
shape.contain?([200, 150]) # => true
shape.contain?(200, 151) # => false
shape.contain?([200, 151]) # => false
shape.contain?(200, 151, distance_tolerance: 5) # => true
shape.contain?([200, 151], distance_tolerance: 5) # => true



Extends PerfectShape::Shape

Includes PerfectShape::MultiPoint



require 'perfect-shape'

shape = PerfectShape::Line.new(points: [[0, 0], [100, 100]]) # start point and end point

shape.contain?(50, 50) # => true
shape.contain?([50, 50]) # => true
shape.contain?(50, 51) # => false
shape.contain?([50, 51]) # => false
shape.contain?(50, 51, distance_tolerance: 5) # => true
shape.contain?([50, 51], distance_tolerance: 5) # => true



Extends PerfectShape::Shape

Includes PerfectShape::MultiPoint



require 'perfect-shape'

shape = PerfectShape::QuadraticBezierCurve.new(points: [[200, 150], [270, 320], [380, 150]]) # start point, control point, and end point

shape.contain?(270, 220) # => true
shape.contain?([270, 220]) # => true
shape.contain?(270, 220, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([270, 220], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(280, 235, outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?([280, 235], outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?(281, 235, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([281, 235], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(281, 235, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape.contain?([281, 235], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true



Extends PerfectShape::Shape

Includes PerfectShape::MultiPoint



require 'perfect-shape'

shape = PerfectShape::CubicBezierCurve.new(points: [[200, 150], [235, 235], [270, 320], [380, 150]]) # start point, two control points, and end point

shape.contain?(270, 220) # => true
shape.contain?([270, 220]) # => true
shape.contain?(270, 220, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([270, 220], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(261.875, 245.625, outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?([261.875, 245.625], outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?(261.875, 246.625, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([261.875, 246.625], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(261.875, 246.625, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape.contain?([261.875, 246.625], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true



Extends PerfectShape::Shape

Includes PerfectShape::RectangularShape



require 'perfect-shape'

shape = PerfectShape::Rectangle.new(x: 15, y: 30, width: 200, height: 100)

shape.contain?(115, 80) # => true
shape.contain?([115, 80]) # => true
shape.contain?(115, 80, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([115, 80], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(115, 30, outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?([115, 30], outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?(115, 31, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([115, 31], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(115, 31, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape.contain?([115, 31], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true



Extends PerfectShape::Rectangle



require 'perfect-shape'

shape = PerfectShape::Square.new(x: 15, y: 30, length: 200)

shape.contain?(115, 130) # => true
shape.contain?([115, 130]) # => true
shape.contain?(115, 130, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([115, 130], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(115, 30, outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?([115, 30], outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?(115, 31, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([115, 31], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(115, 31, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape.contain?([115, 31], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true



Extends PerfectShape::Shape

Includes PerfectShape::RectangularShape

Arcs can be of type :open, :chord, or :pie

Open ArcChord ArcPie Arc


require 'perfect-shape'

shape = PerfectShape::Arc.new(type: :open, x: 2, y: 3, width: 50, height: 60, start: 45, extent: 270)
shape2 = PerfectShape::Arc.new(type: :open, center_x: 2 + 25, center_y: 3 + 30, radius_x: 25, radius_y: 30, start: 45, extent: 270)

shape.contain?(39.5, 33.0) # => true
shape.contain?([39.5, 33.0]) # => true
shape2.contain?(39.5, 33.0) # => true
shape2.contain?([39.5, 33.0]) # => true
shape.contain?(39.5, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([39.5, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?(39.5, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?([39.5, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(2.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?([2.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => true
shape2.contain?(2.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => true
shape2.contain?([2.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape2.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape2.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape.contain?(shape.center_x, shape.center_y, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([shape.center_x, shape.center_y], outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?(shape2.center_x, shape2.center_y, outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?([shape2.center_x, shape2.center_y], outline: true) # => false

shape3 = PerfectShape::Arc.new(type: :chord, x: 2, y: 3, width: 50, height: 60, start: 45, extent: 270)
shape4 = PerfectShape::Arc.new(type: :chord, center_x: 2 + 25, center_y: 3 + 30, radius_x: 25, radius_y: 30, start: 45, extent: 270)

shape3.contain?(39.5, 33.0) # => true
shape3.contain?([39.5, 33.0]) # => true
shape4.contain?(39.5, 33.0) # => true
shape4.contain?([39.5, 33.0]) # => true
shape3.contain?(39.5, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape3.contain?([39.5, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape4.contain?(39.5, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape4.contain?([39.5, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape3.contain?(2.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => true
shape3.contain?([2.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => true
shape4.contain?(2.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => true
shape4.contain?([2.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => true
shape3.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape3.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape4.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape4.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape3.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape3.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape4.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape4.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape3.contain?(shape3.center_x, shape3.center_y, outline: true) # => false
shape3.contain?([shape3.center_x, shape3.center_y], outline: true) # => false
shape4.contain?(shape4.center_x, shape4.center_y, outline: true) # => false
shape4.contain?([shape4.center_x, shape4.center_y], outline: true) # => false

shape5 = PerfectShape::Arc.new(type: :pie, x: 2, y: 3, width: 50, height: 60, start: 45, extent: 270)
shape6 = PerfectShape::Arc.new(type: :pie, center_x: 2 + 25, center_y: 3 + 30, radius_x: 25, radius_y: 30, start: 45, extent: 270)

shape5.contain?(39.5, 33.0) # => false
shape5.contain?([39.5, 33.0]) # => false
shape6.contain?(39.5, 33.0) # => false
shape6.contain?([39.5, 33.0]) # => false
shape5.contain?(9.5, 33.0) # => true
shape5.contain?([9.5, 33.0]) # => true
shape6.contain?(9.5, 33.0) # => true
shape6.contain?([9.5, 33.0]) # => true
shape5.contain?(39.5, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape5.contain?([39.5, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape6.contain?(39.5, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape6.contain?([39.5, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape5.contain?(2.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => true
shape5.contain?([2.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => true
shape6.contain?(2.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => true
shape6.contain?([2.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => true
shape5.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape5.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape6.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true) # => false
shape6.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true) # => false
shape5.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape5.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape6.contain?(3.0, 33.0, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape6.contain?([3.0, 33.0], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1.0) # => true
shape5.contain?(shape5.center_x, shape5.center_y, outline: true) # => true
shape5.contain?([shape5.center_x, shape5.center_y], outline: true) # => true
shape6.contain?(shape6.center_x, shape6.center_y, outline: true) # => true
shape6.contain?([shape6.center_x, shape6.center_y], outline: true) # => true



Extends PerfectShape::Arc



require 'perfect-shape'

shape = PerfectShape::Ellipse.new(x: 2, y: 3, width: 50, height: 60)
shape2 = PerfectShape::Ellipse.new(center_x: 27, center_y: 33, radius_x: 25, radius_y: 30)

shape.contain?(27, 33) # => true
shape.contain?([27, 33]) # => true
shape2.contain?(27, 33) # => true
shape2.contain?([27, 33]) # => true
shape.contain?(27, 33, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([27, 33], outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?(27, 33, outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?([27, 33], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(2, 33, outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?([2, 33], outline: true) # => true
shape2.contain?(2, 33, outline: true) # => true
shape2.contain?([2, 33], outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?(1, 33, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([1, 33], outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?(1, 33, outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?([1, 33], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(1, 33, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape.contain?([1, 33], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape2.contain?(1, 33, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape2.contain?([1, 33], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true



Extends PerfectShape::Ellipse



require 'perfect-shape'

shape = PerfectShape::Circle.new(x: 2, y: 3, diameter: 60)
shape2 = PerfectShape::Circle.new(center_x: 2 + 30, center_y: 3 + 30, radius: 30)

shape.contain?(32, 33) # => true
shape.contain?([32, 33]) # => true
shape2.contain?(32, 33) # => true
shape2.contain?([32, 33]) # => true
shape.contain?(32, 33, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([32, 33], outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?(32, 33, outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?([32, 33], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(2, 33, outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?([2, 33], outline: true) # => true
shape2.contain?(2, 33, outline: true) # => true
shape2.contain?([2, 33], outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?(1, 33, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([1, 33], outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?(1, 33, outline: true) # => false
shape2.contain?([1, 33], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(1, 33, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape.contain?([1, 33], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape2.contain?(1, 33, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape2.contain?([1, 33], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true



Extends PerfectShape::Shape

Includes PerfectShape::MultiPoint

A polygon can be thought of as a special case of path, consisting of lines only, is closed, and has the Even-Odd winding rule by default.



require 'perfect-shape'

shape = PerfectShape::Polygon.new(points: [[200, 150], [270, 170], [250, 220], [220, 190], [200, 200], [180, 170]])

shape.contain?(225, 185) # => true
shape.contain?([225, 185]) # => true
shape.contain?(225, 185, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([225, 185], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(200, 150, outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?([200, 150], outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?(200, 151, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([200, 151], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(200, 151, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape.contain?([200, 151], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true



Extends PerfectShape::Shape

Includes PerfectShape::MultiPoint



require 'perfect-shape'

path_shapes = []
path_shapes << PerfectShape::Point.new(x: 200, y: 150)
path_shapes << PerfectShape::Line.new(points: [250, 170]) # no need for start point, just end point
path_shapes << PerfectShape::QuadraticBezierCurve.new(points: [[300, 185], [350, 150]]) # no need for start point, just control point and end point
path_shapes << PerfectShape::CubicBezierCurve.new(points: [[370, 50], [430, 220], [480, 170]]) # no need for start point, just two control points and end point

shape = PerfectShape::Path.new(shapes: path_shapes, closed: false, winding_rule: :wind_non_zero)

shape.contain?(275, 165) # => true
shape.contain?([275, 165]) # => true
shape.contain?(275, 165, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([275, 165], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_x, shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_y, outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?([shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_x, shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_y], outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?(shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_x + 1, shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_y, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_x + 1, shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_y], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_x + 1, shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_y, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape.contain?([shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_x + 1, shape.disconnected_shapes[1].curve_center_y], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true



Extends PerfectShape::Shape

A composite shape is simply an aggregate of multiple shapes (e.g. square and triangle polygon)

composite shape


require 'perfect-shape'

shapes = []
shapes << PerfectShape::Square.new(x: 120, y: 215, length: 100)
shapes << PerfectShape::Polygon.new(points: [[120, 215], [170, 165], [220, 215]])

shape = PerfectShape::CompositeShape.new(shapes: shapes)

shape.contain?(170, 265) # => true inside square
shape.contain?([170, 265]) # => true inside square
shape.contain?(170, 265, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([170, 265], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(170, 315, outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?([170, 315], outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?(170, 316, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([170, 316], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(170, 316, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape.contain?([170, 316], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true

shape.contain?(170, 190) # => true inside polygon
shape.contain?([170, 190]) # => true inside polygon
shape.contain?(170, 190, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([170, 190], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(145, 190, outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?([145, 190], outline: true) # => true
shape.contain?(145, 189, outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?([145, 189], outline: true) # => false
shape.contain?(145, 189, outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true
shape.contain?([145, 189], outline: true, distance_tolerance: 1) # => true


Glimmer Process




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Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Andy Maleh. See LICENSE.txt for further details.