

Graphs and Charts 0.3.0 (Alpha)

Glimmer DSL for LibUI Custom Controls

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Graphs and Charts (Custom Controls for Glimmer DSL for LibUI). It is used in Kuiq (Sidekiq UI).

bar chart

line graph

bubble chart


Add this line to Bundler Gemfile:

gem 'glimmer-libui-cc-graphs_and_charts', '~> 0.3.0'




It is preferred that you only load the graphs/charts that you need to use as per the instructions in the sub-sections below to conserve memory and startup time.

However, if you prefer to load all graphs and charts, add this line to your Ruby file:

require 'glimmer-libui-cc-graphs_and_charts'

Bar Chart

To load the bar_chart custom control, add this line to your Ruby file:

require 'glimmer/view/bar_chart'

This makes the bar_chart Glimmer DSL for LibUI Custom Control available in the Glimmer GUI DSL. You can then nest bar_chart under window or some container like vertical_box. By the way, bar_chart is implemented on top of the area Glimmer DSL for LibUI control.

values are a Hash map of String x-axis values to Numeric y-axis values.

  width: 900,
  height: 300,
  x_axis_label: 'Month',
  y_axis_label: 'New Customer Accounts',
  values: {
    'Jan' => 30,
    'Feb' => 49,
    'Mar' => 58,
    'Apr' => 63,
    'May' => 72,
    'Jun' => 86,
    'Jul' => 95,
    'Aug' => 100,
    'Sep' => 84,
    'Oct' => 68,
    'Nov' => 52,
    'Dec' => 36,

basic bar chart

Look into lib/glimmer/view/bar_chart.rb to learn about all supported options.

Basic Bar Chart Example:


require 'glimmer-dsl-libui'
require 'glimmer/view/bar_chart'

class BasicBarChart
  include Glimmer::LibUI::Application
  body {
    window('Basic Bar Chart', 900, 300) { |main_window|
      @bar_chart = bar_chart(
        width: 900,
        height: 300,
        x_axis_label: 'Month',
        y_axis_label: 'New Customer Accounts',
        values: {
          'Jan' => 30,
          'Feb' => 49,
          'Mar' => 58,
          'Apr' => 63,
          'May' => 72,
          'Jun' => 86,
          'Jul' => 95,
          'Aug' => 100,
          'Sep' => 84,
          'Oct' => 68,
          'Nov' => 52,
          'Dec' => 36,
      on_content_size_changed do
        @bar_chart.width = main_window.content_size[0]
        @bar_chart.height = main_window.content_size[1]


basic bar chart

Line Graph

To load the line_graph custom control, add this line to your Ruby file:

require 'glimmer/view/line_graph'

This makes the line_graph Glimmer DSL for LibUI Custom Control available in the Glimmer GUI DSL. You can then nest line_graph under window or some container like vertical_box. By the way, line_graph is implemented on top of the area Glimmer DSL for LibUI control.

Note that you can use in absolute mode or relative mode for determining x-axis values starting from newest point to oldest point along the time x-axis:

Absolute Mode:

It supports any Numeric y-axis values in addition to Time x-axis values.

  width: 900,
  height: 300,
  lines: [
      name: 'Stock 1',
      stroke: [163, 40, 39, thickness: 2],
      values: {
        Time.new(2030, 12, 1) => 80,
        Time.new(2030, 12, 2) => 36,
        Time.new(2030, 12, 4) => 10,
        Time.new(2030, 12, 5) => 60,
        Time.new(2030, 12, 6) => 20,
      x_value_format: -> (time) {time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %T GMT")},
      name: 'Stock 2',
      stroke: [47, 109, 104, thickness: 2],
      values: {
        Time.new(2030, 12, 1) => 62,
        Time.new(2030, 12, 2) => 0,
        Time.new(2030, 12, 3) => 90,
        Time.new(2030, 12, 5) => 0,
        Time.new(2030, 12, 7) => 17,
      x_value_format: -> (time) {time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %T GMT")},

basic line graph

Relative Mode:

Currently, it only supports Integer y-axis values in addition to Time x-axis values.

  width: 900,
  height: 300,
  graph_point_distance: :width_divided_by_point_count,
  series: [
      name: 'Feature A',
      stroke: [163, 40, 39, thickness: 2],
      x_value_start: Time.now,
      x_interval_in_seconds: 8,
      x_value_format: -> (time) {time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %T GMT")},
      y_values: [80, 36, 10, 60, 20, 110, 16, 5, 36, 1, 77, 15, 3, 34, 8, 63, 12, 17, 90, 28, 70]
      name: 'Feature B',
      stroke: [47, 109, 104, thickness: 2],
      x_value_start: Time.now,
      x_interval_in_seconds: 8,
      x_value_format: -> (time) {time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %T GMT")},
      y_values: [62, 0, 90, 0, 0, 27, 0, 56, 0, 0, 24, 0, 60, 0, 30, 0, 47, 0, 38, 90, 0]
  display_attributes_on_hover: true,

basic line graph relative

Look into lib/glimmer/view/line_graph.rb to learn about all supported options.

Basic Line Graph Example:


require 'glimmer-dsl-libui'
require 'glimmer/view/line_graph'

class BasicLineGraph
  include Glimmer::LibUI::Application
  body {
    window('Basic Line Graph', 900, 300) { |main_window|
      @line_graph = line_graph(
        width: 900,
        height: 300,
        lines: [
            name: 'Stock 1',
            stroke: [163, 40, 39, thickness: 2],
            values: {
              Time.new(2030, 12, 1) => 80,
              Time.new(2030, 12, 2) => 36,
              Time.new(2030, 12, 4) => 10,
              Time.new(2030, 12, 5) => 60,
              Time.new(2030, 12, 6) => 20,
            x_value_format: -> (time) {time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %T GMT")},
            name: 'Stock 2',
            stroke: [47, 109, 104, thickness: 2],
            values: {
              Time.new(2030, 12, 1) => 62,
              Time.new(2030, 12, 2) => 0,
              Time.new(2030, 12, 3) => 90,
              Time.new(2030, 12, 5) => 0,
              Time.new(2030, 12, 7) => 17,
            x_value_format: -> (time) {time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %T GMT")},
      on_content_size_changed do
        @line_graph.width = main_window.content_size[0]
        @line_graph.height = main_window.content_size[1]


basic line graph

Basic Line Graph Relative Example:

require 'glimmer-dsl-libui'
require 'glimmer/view/line_graph'

class BasicLineGraphRelative
  include Glimmer::LibUI::Application
  before_body do
    @start_time = Time.now
  body {
    window('Basic Line Graph Relative', 900, 330) {
        width: 900,
        height: 300,
        graph_point_distance: :width_divided_by_point_count,
        series: [
            name: 'Feature A',
            stroke: [163, 40, 39, thickness: 2],
            x_value_start: @start_time,
            x_interval_in_seconds: 8,
            x_value_format: -> (time) {time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %T GMT")},
            y_values: [80, 36, 10, 60, 20, 110, 16, 5, 36, 1, 77, 15, 3, 34, 8, 63, 12, 17, 90, 28, 70]
            name: 'Feature B',
            stroke: [47, 109, 104, thickness: 2],
            x_value_start: @start_time,
            x_interval_in_seconds: 8,
            x_value_format: -> (time) {time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %T GMT")},
            y_values: [62, 0, 90, 0, 0, 27, 0, 56, 0, 0, 24, 0, 60, 0, 30, 0, 47, 0, 38, 90, 0]
        display_attributes_on_hover: true,


basic line graph relative

Bubble Chart

To load the bubble_chart custom control, add this line to your Ruby file:

require 'glimmer/view/bubble_chart'

This makes the bubble_chart Glimmer DSL for LibUI Custom Control available in the Glimmer GUI DSL. You can then nest bubble_chart under window or some container like vertical_box. By the way, bubble_chart is implemented on top of the area Glimmer DSL for LibUI control.

values are a Hash map of Time x-axis values to Hash map of Numeric y-axis values to Numeric z-axis values.

  width: 900,
  height: 300,
  chart_color_bubble: [239, 9, 9],
  values: {
    Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 0) => {
      1 => 4,
      2 => 8,
      8 => 3,
      10 => 0
    Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 2) => {
      1 => 1,
      2 => 5,
      7 => 2,
      10 => 0
    Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 4) => {
      1 => 2,
      2 => 3,
      4 => 4,
      10 => 0
    Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 6) => {
      1 => 7,
      2 => 2,
      7 => 5,
      10 => 0
    Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 8) => {
      1 => 6,
      2 => 8,
      8 => 1,
      10 => 0
    Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 10) => {
      1 => 1,
      2 => 2,
      3 => 9,
      10 => 0
    Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 12) => {
      1 => 5,
      2 => 12,
      5 => 17,
      10 => 0
    Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 14) => {
      1 => 9,
      2 => 2,
      6 => 10,
      10 => 0
    Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 16) => {
      1 => 0,
      2 => 5,
      7 => 8,
      10 => 0
    Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 18) => {
      1 => 9,
      3 => 3,
      5 => 6,
      10 => 0
    Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 20) => {
      2 => 2,
      4 => 4,
      7 => 7,
      10 => 0
  x_value_format: -> (time) {time.strftime('%M:%S')},

basic bubble chart

Look into lib/glimmer/view/bar_chart.rb to learn about all supported options.

Basic Bubble Chart Example:


require 'glimmer-dsl-libui'
require 'glimmer/view/bubble_chart'

class BasicBubbleChart
  include Glimmer::LibUI::Application
  body {
    window('Basic Line Graph', 900, 300) { |main_window|
      @bubble_chart = bubble_chart(
        width: 900,
        height: 300,
        chart_color_bubble: [239, 9, 9],
        values: {
          Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 0) => {
            1 => 4,
            2 => 8,
            8 => 3,
            10 => 0
          Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 2) => {
            1 => 1,
            2 => 5,
            7 => 2,
            10 => 0
          Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 4) => {
            1 => 2,
            2 => 3,
            4 => 4,
            10 => 0
          Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 6) => {
            1 => 7,
            2 => 2,
            7 => 5,
            10 => 0
          Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 8) => {
            1 => 6,
            2 => 8,
            8 => 1,
            10 => 0
          Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 10) => {
            1 => 1,
            2 => 2,
            3 => 9,
            10 => 0
          Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 12) => {
            1 => 5,
            2 => 12,
            5 => 17,
            10 => 0
          Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 14) => {
            1 => 9,
            2 => 2,
            6 => 10,
            10 => 0
          Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 16) => {
            1 => 0,
            2 => 5,
            7 => 8,
            10 => 0
          Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 18) => {
            1 => 9,
            3 => 3,
            5 => 6,
            10 => 0
          Time.new(2030, 12, 1, 13, 0, 20) => {
            2 => 2,
            4 => 4,
            7 => 7,
            10 => 0
        x_value_format: -> (time) {time.strftime('%M:%S')},
      on_content_size_changed do
        @bubble_chart.width = main_window.content_size[0]
        @bubble_chart.height = main_window.content_size[1]


basic bubble chart

Contributing to glimmer-libui-cc-graphs_and_charts



Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Andy Maleh. See LICENSE.txt for further details.