

This policy is a "living" document, and subject to refinement and expansion in the future.

Code of Conduct

The Android Study Group Slack should be a safe place for everybody regardless of

As someone who is part of this Slack, you agree that:

We actively work towards:

We condemn:

These things are NOT OK.

If you say something that is found offensive, and you are called out on it, let’s:

Failing to follow the community guidelines as described in this document carries consequences. For minor infractions, you may be temporarily suspended from the Slack. Upon repeat offenses, or if the community believes you are not acting in good faith, you may be asked to leave permanently.


Best Practices

If you experience abuse, harassment, discrimination, or feel unsafe, let a moderator know. Here is a list of the current admins and their Slack IDs:

The role of the admins is to be an unbiased mediator, they will not moderate or edit anything written in the Slack unless it is required as a result of a discussed dispute.

Member Nomination

To invite a new member to ASG, use the built-in invite tool in the Slack menu. Enter email, full name and the necessary details in the Reason field. What we want to see is the following:

We highly discourage mass invites (don't invite all your coworkers at once) and invites missing information will also be denied. We might reach out for additional information or clarifications if needed. Since the Reason field doesn’t allow URLs and has a limited length (560 characters), send additional info in a DM to an admin and they will add it as a comment in the review channel.

This study group is for people actively involved in creating Android applications professionally. This includes people like software engineers and designers, and excludes people like journalists or recruiters. The admins will take into consideration the amount of time the nominee has spent working on Android (at least 1 year is ideal). Other helpful data points include the company where they work (if applicable), apps they have built, and their contributions to the Android community (via open source software, meetups, blog posts, etc). Membership is determined by a vote from the admins, who will then send out an invitation to the nominee.

If there is any person you would like to keep out of the study group for any reason, message one of the admins.

Because this Slack group is representative of the community, admins reserve the right to deny admission or revoke membership based on CoC violating behavior outside of the Slack chat environment (e.g. in person, GitHub, social media), if necessary.

Slack Etiquette

Slack Commands

Many members of ASG have this Slack open during the work day, or installed on their phones. Additionally, there are members in many different time zones. Please be cautious about using @channel or @everyone and avoid it if possible.

For tips and tricks or questions about Slack usage, check out #meta.

Q & A

Value your fellow members' time, and be considerate when asking questions. Before asking a question, please Google for it, and consult the Android documentation. If it is still unclear, please reference the sources you consulted in your question.

When answering questions, avoid condescending language or impatience. We are all trying our hardest!