Dynamic/structured profiling & visualization for sync and async operations
node -r dprof my-script.js
# ...
gzcat dprof.json.gz | dprof
npm install dprof
npm install -g dprof
- Run the script with
/--require dprof
and wait for it to finish.
- When done a
is created in yourcwd
- To start the visualizer run
gzcat dprof.json.gz | dprof
. - Now open http://localhost:3343 in your browser.
// my-script.js
const fs = require('fs');, 'r', function (err, fd) {
let count = 0;
const a = new Buffer(10);, a, 0, 10, 0, function (err2) {
if (++count === 2) close();
const b = new Buffer(10);, b, 0, 10, 10, function (err2) {
if (++count === 2) close();
function close() {
fs.close(fd, function (err) {
gzcat dprof.json.gz | dprof
The visualizer is WIP, you are welcome to contribute with major changes to the existing one.
- Blue: time spent waiting for async response.
- Red: time spent executing the callback code (blocking).
- Black: when the async request was made.
Github Gists sharing
You can easily share a dprof
dump with someone who doesn't have dprof
installed. Just pipe it to dprof upload
and it will upload it to an anonymous
gzcat dprof.json.gz | dprof upload
SIGINT (Ctrl-C) Behavior
To help debug process that may not have a defined exit, or may have a
problematic handle keeping them open, dprof registers a SIGINT
by default.
This allows dprof to capture when a process is interrupted by the user,
and it will write the JSON data and terminate.
If this overriding terminate behavior is undesired, or interferes with an
existing handler in a program, either a --dprof-no-sigint
flag can be
provided to the program, or a DPROF_NO_SIGINT=1
environment variable.
node -r dprof my-script.js --dprof-no-sigint
The dprof.json.gz
file is a GZIP compressed JSON file. It is possible
to get an uncompressed file, just set the environment variable NODE_DPROF_DEBUG
There is an initial object containing metadata and a "root" node:
Root {
version: String, // the version of dprof there generated this JSON file
total: Number, // execution time in nanoseconds
root: Node, // The root node, has uid 0
nodes: [ // List of all non-root nodes
Node, ...
Each nested Node
has the following format:
Node {
name: String, // Handle name of the async operation
uid: Number, // Unique identifier for each node (from asyncHook)
parent: Number, // Uid for the parent node
stack: [ // Contains the stack leading up to the async operation
description: String,
filename: String,
column: Number,
line: Number
}, ...
init: Number, // Timestamp for when the async operation is requested.
before: [Number], // Timestamp for when the callback is about to be called.
// This is an array because a callback may be called
// more than once.
after: [Number], // Timestamp for when the callback is finished.
// All timestamps are relative to the process startup
// time and the unit is nanoseconds.
unref: [Number], // Timestamp for when the handle was unrefed
ref: [Number], // Timestamp for when the handle was refed
initRef: Boolean, // `false` if the handle was initially unrefed
children: [ // Shows async operations created in the callback
Number(uid), ...