


cluster-vhost is a module there allow you to use as many virtual host domains as you which. It is often used in combination with the cluster module but it is not required.

This module require node 0.7.0-pre or higher since the 0.6.0 cluster module isn't sophisticated enough.

No longer maintained. Pull requests will be reviewed and ownership is given if interest is shown.


##How to use


npm install cluster-vhost


var cluster = require('cluster'),
    vhost = require('cluster-vhost');

vhost.on('done', function () {
	console.log("You can now access your app, by opening http://example.org:8001 in your browser");
vhost.on('error', function (err) {
	console.error('not good');
	throw err;

//Start cluster


You can now access your site on http://example.org:8001. Note that if you started your application as root you can access using http://example.org.

##Configure host file

You will need to edit you hosts file to redirect example.org to you own computer.

First open the file in you text editor.

After the line localhost create a new line with the text example.org The result will be:


##Configure the proxy-server

###Creating the file<br> You do not need to create a configuration file, if none is found the module will use default values.

cluster-vhost can be configured with a config.json file. The first step is to create it the in the right directory. This module will search for config.json in its own directory and then go up in the folder tree until it finds a config.json file.

Example: if you have your websites in ~/Sites/ and typed npm install cluster-vhost here, you will have it in a node_modules folder. cluster-vhost will then search for a config.json file in the following directories:


####Alternative configuration method

Instead of searching for config.json you can also configure the proxy-server by using the vhost.config() method.

vhost.config() method accepts a filepath or an object.

var cluster = require("cluster"),
	vhost = require("cluster-vhost");


//Start cluster

###Writing the file

Because another node-module may also use your a config.json file, all cluster-vhost properties should be placed in a vhost object. There are several properties you can set, all will fallback to its default value if not set.

    //Because other modules may use a config.json file place you options insite a vhost obejct.
    "vhost" : {

        //You can specify on what the virtual host router should listen on.
        //You can also set it to false if you don't want it to listen for http requests.
        "http" : {

            //By default it will listen for http requests on
            "port" : 8001,
            "host" : "",

            //You can also use a unix path to listen on, but this will only work if no port property is set.
            "path" : "./custom/unix/http.sock"

        //The ssl property is a path to a directory containing a key.pem and a cert.pem file.
        //By default the ssl property is set to undefined.
        "ssl" : "./Sites/ssl/",

        //If and only if a ssl property is set you can use https, else it will fallback to false.
        //You can in this object specify what the virtual host router should listen on, just like the http object.
        "https" : {

            //By default if the ssl property is set it will listen for https requests on
            "port" : 8002,
            "host" : "",

            //Again you can also use a unix path
            "path" : "./custom/unix/https.sock"

##Thanks to

##License WebNodes use the "GPL License Version 3"