


<img src="/docs/pdfgen_logo.png" alt="PDFGen Logo" width="200" align="right"/>

<a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/EstIgnavus" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/default-orange.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" height="41" width="174"></a>

Simple C PDF Creation/Generation library. All contained a single C-file with header and no external library dependencies.

Useful for embedding into other programs that require rudimentary PDF output.

Supports the following PDF features

Example usage

#include "pdfgen.h"

int main(void) {
    struct pdf_info info = {
        .creator = "My software",
        .producer = "My software",
        .title = "My document",
        .author = "My name",
        .subject = "My subject",
        .date = "Today"
    struct pdf_doc *pdf = pdf_create(PDF_A4_WIDTH, PDF_A4_HEIGHT, &info);
    pdf_set_font(pdf, "Times-Roman");
    pdf_add_text(pdf, NULL, "This is text", 12, 50, 20, PDF_BLACK);
    pdf_add_line(pdf, NULL, 50, 24, 150, 24, 3, PDF_BLACK);
    pdf_save(pdf, "output.pdf");
    return 0;


License: Unlicense

The source here is public domain. If you find it useful, please drop me a line at andre@ignavus.net.


Build status: GitHub Actions

Appveyor status: Build status

Code Coverage: Coverage Status

Coverity scan: Coverity scan

Static Analysis

This is a code base that I use to test static analysis tools. As such the build system is quite a bit more complex than should be necessary for a project of this size.

Language Bindings