


The official repo of paper "Learning a Practical SDR-to-HDRTV Up-conversion using New Dataset and Degradation Models" (paper (ArXiv), paper, supplementary material) in CVPR2023.

    author    = {Guo, Cheng and Fan, Leidong and Xue, Ziyu and Jiang, Xiuhua},
    title     = {Learning a Practical SDR-to-HDRTV Up-Conversion Using New Dataset and Degradation Models},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {22231-22241}

1. Introduction

1.1. Our scope

There're many HDR-related methods in this year's CVPR. Our method differs from others in that we take conventional SDR/BT.709 image to HDR/WCG in PQ/BT.2020 (which is called HDRTV by HDRTVNet(ICCV21)), and is meant to be applied in media industry.

Our task can be called: SDR-to-HDRTV, ITM (inverse tone-mapping) or HDR/WCG up-conversion.

Others methods may take single SDR to a linear-light-HDR in grapghics/rendering (SI-HDR, single-image HDR reconstruction), or merge several SDRs to single HDR in camera imaging pipeline (MEF-HDR, multi-exposure fusion HDR imaging). Please jump to them if you are interested.

1.2 What we provide

1.3 Changelog

13 Dec 2023Since most SoTAs are still trained with YouTude degradation model (DM), we add this DM to both our training and test set, so you can: (1) train your network with the YouTube version of HDRTV4K training set and get a similar look as SoTAs; (2) directly test SoTA's original checkpoint (trained with YouTube DM) using the YouTube version of HDRTV4K test set.
14 Jan 2024We change LSN (our network)'s default checkpoint to the one trained with commom HDRTV1K dataset (and YouTube DM), so you can directly compare it with SoTAs, by the old manner (PSNR, SSIM etc.).

2. HDRTV4K Dataset (Training set & test set)

2.1 HDRTV4K Training set

Our major concerns on training data are:

AspectModel's benefit
(1) Label HDR/WCG's (scene) diversitybetter generalization ability
(2) Label HDR/WCG's quality<br>(especially the amount of advanced color and luminance volume)more chance to produce advanced HDR/WCG volume
(3) SDR's extent of degradationa proper degradation recovery ability
(4) style and aesthetic of degraded SDRbetter aesthetic performance<br>(or consistency from SDR)

Hence, we provide HDRTV4K label HDR (3848 individual frames) of better (1) quality and (2) diversity, available on:

Training set label HDR/WCG download
BaiduNetDisk, GoogleDrive(TODO)

Atfer obtaining label HDR, you can:

2.1.1. OPTION 1: Download the coresponding degraded SDR below:

SDR from Degradation Model (DM)DM Usage(3) Extent of degradation(4) Style or aestheticDownload
OCIO2our methodmoderategoodGoogleDrive, BaiduNetDisk (2.27GB)
2446c+GMour methodmoderategoodGoogleDrive, BaiduNetDisk (2.03GB)
HC+GMour methodmoremoderateGoogleDrive, BaiduNetDisk (2.13GB)
ReinhardSR-ITM-GAN etc.lessmoderateOneDrive, BaiduNetDisk
YouTubemost other methods who use HDRTV1K or KAIST training set (if used, you can learn a silimar style as previous methods)morebadGoogleDrive, BaiduNetDisk (2.51GB)<br>
2390EETF+GMZhang2023TODOTODOOneDrive, BaiduNetDisk
DaVinci <a id='DaVinciSDR'>(w. different settings)</a>another our algorithm ITM-LUTlessgoodGoogleDrive, BaiduNetDisk<br>

and use any of them as the input to train your network.

Since our degradation models (DMs) are just a preliminary attempt on concerns (3) and (4), we encourage you to:

2.1.2. OPTION 2 (Encouraged): Use your own degradation model to obtain input SDR

In this case, you can:

2.2 HDRTV4K Test set

The test set used in our paper (consecutive frames) is copyrighted and will not be relesed. We provided alternative test set which consists of 400 individual frames and even more scenes. HDRTV4K's test set share the similar concerns as training set:

BetterThe test set will manifest more algorithm's
(1) GT HDR/WCG's (scene) diversityscene generalization ability
(2) GT HDR/WCG's advanced color and luminance volumemapping/expansion ability of advanced HDR/WCG volume
(3a) Input SDR's extent of degradationdegradation recovery ability
(3b) Input SDR's diversity of degradationdegradation generalization ability

It's available on:

Test set GT and LQ download
BaiduNetDisk and GoogleDrive(TODO)

This package contains 1 version of GT and 7 versions of LQ by different degradation models, so:

3. Luminance Segmented Network

3.1 Prerequisites

3.2 Usage (how to test)

Run method/test.py with below configuration(s):

python3 method/test.py frameName.jpg

When batch processing, use wildcard *:

python3 method/test.py framesPath/*.png

or like:

python3 method/test.py framesPath/footageName_*.png

Add below configuration(s) for specific propose:

Specifing output path-out resultDir/ (default is inputDir)
Resizing image before inference-resize True -height newH -width newW
Adding filename tag-tag yourTag
Forcing CPU processing-use_gpu False
Using input SDR with bit depth != 8e.g. -in_bitdepth 16
Saving result HDR in other format<br/>(defalut is uncompressed<br/>16-bit .tifof single frame)-out_format suffix<br>png as 16bit .png<br>exr require extra package openEXR

Change line 104 in method/test.py to use other parameters/checkpoint:

4. Assessment criteria of HDR/WCG container and ITM process

In our paper we use 4 metrics to measure how many HDR/WCG volume a single frame possess.

DimensionSpatial fractionNumerical energy
HDR (high dynamic range) volumeFHLP(Fraction of HighLight Pixels)EHL(Extent of HighLight)
WCG (wide color gamut) volumeFWGP(Fraction of Wide Gamut Pixels)EWG(Extent of Wide Gamut)

You can find their usage in the comment.

Note that: From the prespective of quality assessment (QA), these metrics have not been proven to be consistently positively-correlated with good viewing experience, therefore the should only serve as a reference of HDR/WCG volume. HDR/WCG's preception involoves sophisticated knowlegde in color science and human vision etc., and intuitively these 4 metrics chould be mesured in a "naturalness" way (counting FHLP/EHL/FWGP/EWG's distribution on large-scale visually-pleasuring HDR/WCG images, and juding if someone's FHLP/EHL/FWGP/EWG falls in commom distribution.)


Still something to discuss?


Guo Cheng (Andre Guo) guocheng@cuc.edu.cn