

Analogy Log Viewer Donate ko-fi

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A log viewer that can parse log files and stream logs from C#, Python, Java and others. You can also implement your own parsers or request to add new parsers for other logs

Standalone User Controls:

User ControlDescriptionNuget Version
LogMessagesUCEmbedded Log Viewer Grid Control--
PlotterUCEmbedded Plotting Control--

You can use those in your winforms apps Examples: Plotting Example



Usage and how to create custom data providers



Logs Analysis and Visualizers

brief list of data providers




Analogy Log Viewer is multi purpose Log Viewer for Windows Operating systems.

Some features of this tool are:

  1. Standalone Winform User Control to show log messages
  2. Aggregation into single view.
  3. Search in multiple files
  4. Combine multiple files
  5. Compare logs
  6. Themes support
  7. 64 bit support (allow loading more files)
  8. Personalization (users settings per user)
  9. Columns Extendable: Ability to add more columns specific to the data source implementation
  10. Exporting to Excel/CSV files
  11. Collaboration-like feature: ability to send log messages to gRPC/WCF service and/or between data providers

Main interaction UI:

The application supports the followings data providers:

  1. Common logs frameworks like: Serilog, NLog, Log4Net, Microsoft Logging.

  2. Generic file types: Json Parser and XML parser.

  3. Real time streaming from the following languages: C#, C++, Python and JAVA using gRPC log Server and client.

  4. Custom providers. Create specific parsers for specific applications.


There are 3 modes of operations:

If you need you can create your own providers: to implement a new data provider do the following:

  1. Create new cs project and make sure your assembly is named Analogy.LogViewer.*.dll.

  2. reference nugets package Analogy.LogViewer.Interfaces and Analogy.LogViewer.Template

  3. inherite Analogy.LogViewer.Template.PrimaryFactory class from the template and override some properties:

    public class PrimaryFactory : Analogy.LogViewer.Template.PrimaryFactory
        internal static Guid Id { get; }= new Guid("XXXXXXXX");
        public override Guid FactoryId { get; set; } = Id;
        public override string Title { get; set; } = "Name of your provider (like Serilog, Nlog)";
        public override IEnumerable<IAnalogyChangeLog> ChangeLog { get; set; } = ChangeLogList.GetChangeLog();
        public override IEnumerable<string> Contributors { get; set; } = new List<string> { "Lior Banai" };
        public override string About { get; set; } = "Analogy Log Parser";
        public override Image? SmallImage { get; set; } = Resources.Image16x16;
        public override Image? LargeImage { get; set; } = Resources.Image32x32;


The FactoryId is the identifier of your provider. all other providers (real time, offline) refer to this identifier to group them under the tab in the U.

  1. create DataProvidersFactory class that contains all your providers (real time or offline):
    public class DataProvidersFactory : LogViewer.Template.DataProvidersFactory
        public override Guid FactoryId { get; set; } = PrimaryFactory.Id;
        public override string Title { get; set; } = "Log Parsers";
        public override IEnumerable<IAnalogyDataProvider> DataProviders { get; set; } = new List<IAnalogyDataProvider> 
        {new SomeOfflineDataProvider(), new OnlinelineDataProvider() };
  1. To implement offline (log file) Parser inherite Analogy.LogViewer.Template.OfflineDataProvider and at minimum override the Parse methods and some properties like Id:
  public class OfflineDataProvider : Analogy.LogViewer.Template.OfflineDataProvider
      public override Image? SmallImage { get; set; } = null;
      public override Image? LargeImage { get; set; } = null;
      public override string? OptionalTitle { get; set; } = "Some Parser";
      public override string FileOpenDialogFilters { get; set; } = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*";
      public override IEnumerable<string> SupportFormats { get; set; } = new List<string> { "*.txt" };
      public override string? InitialFolderFullPath { get; set; } = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
      public override Guid Id { get; set; } = new Guid("XXXX");
     private PlainTextLogFileParser parser=new PlainTextLogFileParser();
      public override Task<IEnumerable<AnalogyLogMessage>> Process(string fileName, CancellationToken token,ILogMessageCreatedHandler messagesHandler)
            => parser.Process(fileName, token, messagesHandler);
  1. To implement real time streaming Parser inherite Analogy.LogViewer.Template.OnlineDataProvider and again override needed members.

you can use exisitng projects (like PowerToys Parser for offline and Windows Event logs for real time) another option is to check the Analogy.LogViewer.Example example.

  1. Put your dll at the same folder as the application. You can download latest version


Along with custom Data Providers you can create extensions for existing providers:

  1. In Place extension: Add columns to the log messages data grid to add more information to the data grid,
  2. User Control extension: Add new tab in the UI with a custom user control that receive the incoming messages and can create custom logic to handles those.

The example data provider has example for this (you need to enable the extension in the extensions tab in the user settings).

Discuss about the extension here: Extension Disscussion


Along with custom Data Providers you can create Plots of arbitrary data by implementing the IAnalogyPlotting Interface:

 public interface IAnalogyPlotting
        event EventHandler<AnalogyPlottingPointData> OnNewPointData;
        IEnumerable<(string SeriesName, AnalogyPlottingSeriesType SeriesViewType)> GetChartSeries();
        Guid Id { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// the factory id which this Data providers factory belongs to
        /// </summary>
        Guid FactoryId { get; set; }
        string Title { get; set; }
        Task InitializePlottingAsync(IAnalogyLogger logger);
        Task StartPlotting();
        Task StopPlotting();

The example data provider has example for this: Example plot

You can select the chart's layout from the UI: horizontal plot vertical plot

Discuss about the plotting here: Extension Disscussion

Logs Analysis and Visualizers

The application has some analyzers and visualization.

brief list of data providers

Real Time Data providers:

Data ProviderDescription
gRPC Real Time Data ProviderA gRPC Data provider that connect to Analogy Log Server and read message back to Analogy Log Viewer
Analogy.AspNetCore.LogProviderA AspNetCore provider that streams logs to Analogy Log Server
Analogy.LogViewer.NLog.TargetsNLog Target that streams logs to Analogy Log Server
Serilog SinkSerilog Sink that streams logs to Analogy Log Server
Windows event logsReal time Component of Windows Event logs Parser

Offline Data providers:

Data ProviderDescription
Serilog ParserParser for Serilog log files
NLog ParserParser for NLog log files
Log4Net ParserParser for Log4Net log files
Regular Expression ParserRegular Expression Parser
IIS log ParserParser for IIS log files
RSS ReaderRSS Feeds inside Analogy Log Viewer
Generic Json Log ParserGeneric Json Parser
XML ParserGeneric XML Parser
Windows event logsWindows Event logs Parser
Plain Text ParserPlain Text Parser
Git HistoryDisplay your Git Repository commit history
Kafka Producer/ consumerKafka Producer / Consumer


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