<p align="center"> <img width="350" height="350" src="" alt="SimpleObfuscator"> <br> <br> <br> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="">What is Goldfuscator?</a> <a href="">Contribution guide</a> <a href="">Get a premium obfuscator</a> <a href="">NotAccursed's Twitter</a> </p> <br> <p align="center"> <h2>This is only basic obfuscation. For better obfuscation, see LoGiC.NET :D</h2> </p> <br> <p align="center"> <h2>Before :</h2> <img src=""> <h2>After :</h2> <img src=""> </p> <br> <p align="center"> <sub>The fork of the simple obfuscator. Built with ❤︎ by <a href="">NotAccursed</a> and forked by AnErrupTion.</sub> <h2>You MUST install dnlib from NuGet, so you MUST use Visual Studio 2019 and MUST have .NET Framework v4.6.1 installed on your PC.</h2> </p> <br>Goldfuscator
📜 Why do you need Goldfuscator?
You can learn from it, it's just a fork (an amelioration) of the original project, making it easier to learn even more things!
💥 What does it do?
- Support all .NET Frameworks
- Support all .NET Core
- Updated dnlib version
- Protect names of methods and classes
- Secure cryptographical randoms
- Add junk methods
- Removes custom attributes
- Obfuscates .NET DLL and EXE files
📚 Credits
<a href="">0xd4d's dnlib</a> <a href="">NotAccursed's SimpleObfuscator</a>