


Local kubernetes cluster with kind and ingress-nginx that I'm using to play around with jsonnet.


Get started

This requires a wildcard domain name that points to This is so we don't need to edit our /etc/hosts file.

By default it uses vcap.me (owned by CloudFoundry), but this can be overridden (see local_domain_name in the Justfile).

# Create cert for <local_domain_name> and *.<local_domain_name>
just create-cert

# Create cluster
just create-cluster

Install apps

Install Jsonnet libraries to vendor/

jb install

Install a hello app (https://vcap.me/hello)

just kcfg update apps/hello/main.jsonnet

Install kube-prometheus stack (https://grafana.vcap.me)

# Do a server side apply to install kubeprometheus
# Run twice - command will fail the first time due to CRDs not being created yet
just kcfg-sapply apps/kube-prometheus/main.jsonnet

Deploy a dummy exporter for prometheus:

just kcfg update apps/dummy-exporter/main.jsonnet


You can pass through kubecfg commands with just kcfg, and kubectl ones with just k