

<div align="center"> <h1> 🐍 The Hidden Attention of Mamba Models 🐍 </h1>

Ameen Ali<sup>1</sup> *,Itamar Zimerman<sup>1</sup> * and Lior Wolf<sup>1</sup> <br> ameenali023@gmail.com, itamarzimm@gmail.com, liorwolf@gmail.com <br> <sup>1</sup> Tel Aviv University (*) equal contribution


Official PyTorch Implementation of "The Hidden Attention of Mamba Models"

The Mamba layer offers an efficient state space model (SSM) that is highly effective in modeling multiple domains including long-range sequences and images. SSMs are viewed as dual models, in which one trains in parallel on the entire sequence using convolutions, and deploys in an autoregressive manner. We add a third view and show that such models can be viewed as attention-driven models. This new perspective enables us to compare the underlying mechanisms to that of the self-attention layers in transformers and allows us to peer inside the inner workings of the Mamba model with explainability methods. <br> You can access the paper through : <a href="https://arxiv.org/pdf/2403.01590.pdf">The Hidden Attention of Mamba Models</a>

<div align="center"> <img src="assets/2.png" alt="Left Image" align="center" width="1000" height="400"> </div>

Set Up Environment

Pre-Trained Weights

We have used the official weights provided by Vim, which can be downloaded from here:

Model#param.Top-1 Acc.Top-5 Acc.Hugginface Repo


Vision-Mamba Explainability Notebook:

<div align="center"> <img src="assets/xai_gradmethod.jpg" alt="Left Image" align="center" width="1000" height="300"> </div> <br> Follow the instructions in <b>vim/vmamba_xai.ipynb</b> notebook, in order to apply a single-image inference for the 3 introduced methods in the paper. <br> <div align="center"> <img src="assets/notebook.png" alt="Left Image" align="center" width="600" height="600"> </div>


For the segmentation experiment, please check out our follow-up work. <br>

<ul> <strike><li><input type="checkbox" id="task1" checked disabled><label for="task1">XAI - Single Image Inference Notebook</label></li></strike> <strike><li><input type="checkbox" id="task2" checked disabled><label for="task2">XAI - Segmentation Experimnts</label></li></strike> </ul>


if you find our work useful, please consider citing us:

      title={The Hidden Attention of Mamba Models}, 
      author={Ameen Ali and Itamar Zimerman and Lior Wolf},


This repository is heavily based on Vim, Mamba and Transformer-Explainability. Thanks for their wonderful works.