

Alloy CI

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AlloyCI is a Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery coordinator, written in Elixir, that takes advantage of the GitLab CI Runner, and its capabilities as executor. It also provides its own runner, the Alloy Runner, which is a fork of the GitLab CI Runner, with extra capabilities.

It aims to bridge the gap between GitLab's CI runner and GitHub. GitLab's CI runner is tightly coupled with GitLab, so it is not possible to use one of these runners from a GitHub codebase.

With AlloyCI you will be able to register one of the Runner projects to the platform, connect it to one of your GitHub repositories, and have it run your CI and CD pipelines.

AlloyCI will report the status of your pipelines to your pull requests, branches, and commits, so you can always know their status, just like any other CI service.


Stretch Goals



Head over to our documentation for more information.


Pull requests are always welcome!

  1. Clone the Repository
  2. Run mix deps.get to install all dependencies
  3. Run cd assets && yarn install to install all Javascript dependencies
  4. Make sure all environment variables are present. See here for more info. You can save them in a .env file, and source them before running any mix task
  5. Create and migrate the database with mix ecto.setup
  6. Run tests with make unit or start a development server with make run
  7. Code & send your PR when ready

Before contributing, please read our Code of Conduct and make sure you fully understand it. Violations will not be tolerated.


Copyright (c) 2018 Patricio Cano. See LICENSE for details.