




Using the WiringPi library is requiered compiling as follows: For compile and link with all the libraries you can use compileAndLink.sh. The script will create the dicerollSimulator.o and will link it to libberry.o and wiringPi.

./compileAndLink.sh dicerollSimulator

Make run the program with high priority:

chrt —rr 99./dicerollSimulator

If no libraries are being used, it is requiered to use the script build.sh. You will also need gcc-arm for ArchLinux

Compile the project like this:

./build.sh *sourceFile*

If a second argument is given, the script will automaticaly copy the generated image into the path given as second argument. Also, the script unmounts automaticaly the given path. It's mainly work is to compile and copy into an sd card, that's why the script unmounts the path.

Base.inc stores all the macros referring to memory positions in the raspberry, thus avoiding having to define them in all the headers.


A "mp3" made with raspberry. If the right button is pressed, it skips the current song, if the left button is pressed, the music is paused. The leds marks the % of song reproduced.

The mp3 contains the next songs:

Special thanks to: Melchor Garau and Atanasio Rubio