


execq is kind of task-based approach of processing data using threadpool idea with extended features. It supports different task sources and maintains task execution in parallel on N threads (according to hardware concurrency).

Queues and Streams

execq deals with concurrent task execution using two approaches: queue-based and stream-based

You are free to use multimple queues and streams and any combinations of them!

1.1 Queue-based approach

Designed to process objects as 'push-and-forget'. Objects pushed into the queues are processed as soon as any thread is ready to handle it.

ExecutionQueue combines usual queue, synchronization mechanisms and execution inside threadpool.

Internally ExecutionQueue tracks tasks are being executed. If destroyed, the queue marks all running and pendings tasks as 'canceled'. Even if task was canceled before execution, it wouldn't be discarded and will be called on its turn but with 'isCanceled' == true.

ExecutionQueue can be:

execq allows to create 'IExecutionQueue' (both serial and concurrent) instance to process your objects in specific IExecutionPool.

IExecutionPool is kind of opaque threadpool. The same IExecutionPool object usually is used with multiple queues and streams

Now that is no need to write you own queue and synchronization around it - all is done inside!

#include <execq/execq.h>

// The function is called in parallel on the next free thread
// with the next object from the queue.
void ProcessObject(const std::atomic_bool& isCanceled, std::string&& object)
    if (isCanceled)
        std::cout << "Queue has been canceled. Skipping object...";
    std::cout << "Processing object: " << object << '\n';

int main(void)
    std::shared_ptr<execq::IExecutionPool> pool = execq::CreateExecutionPool();
    std::unique_ptr<execq::IExecutionQueue<void(std::string)>> queue = execq::CreateConcurrentExecutionQueue<void, std::string>(pool, &ProcessObject);
    queue->push("some string");
    // when destroyed, queue waits until all tasks are executed
    return 0;
Standalone serial queue

Sometimes you may need just single-thread implementation of the queue to process things in the right order. For this purpose there is an ability to created pool-independent serial queue.

#include <execq/execq.h>

// The function is called in parallel on the next free thread
// with the next object from the queue.
void ProcessObjectOneByOne(const std::atomic_bool& isCanceled, std::string&& object)
    if (isCanceled)
        std::cout << "Queue has been canceled. Skipping object...";
    std::cout << "Processing object: " << object << '\n';

int main(void)
    std::unique_ptr<execq::IExecutionQueue<void(std::string)>> queue = execq::CreateSerialExecutionQueue<void, std::string>(&ProcessObjectOneByOne);
    queue->push("some string");
    // when destroyed, queue waits until all tasks are executed
    return 0;

1.2 Queue-based approach: future inside!

All ExecutionQueues when pushing object into it return std::future. Future object is bound to the pushed object and referers to result of object processing. Note: returned std::future objects could be simply discarded. They wouldn't block in std::future destructor.

#include <execq/execq.h>

// The function is called in parallel on the next free thread
// with the next object from the queue.
size_t GetStringSize(const std::atomic_bool& isCanceled, std::string&& object)
    if (isCanceled)
        std::cout << "Queue has been canceled. Skipping object...";
        return 0;
    std::cout << "Processing object: " << object << '\n';
    return object.size();

int main(void)
    std::shared_ptr<execq::IExecutionPool> pool = execq::CreateExecutionPool();
    std::unique_ptr<execq::IExecutionQueue<size_t(std::string)>> queue = execq::CreateConcurrentExecutionQueue<size_t, std::string>(pool, &GetStringSize);
    std::future<size_t> future1 = queue->push("qwe");
    std::future<size_t> future2 = queue->push("some string");
    std::future<size_t> future3 = queue->push("hello future");
    const size_t totalSize = future1.get() + future2.get() + future3.get();

    return 0;

execq supports std::future<void>, so ou can just wait until the object is processed.

2. Stream-based approach.

Designed to process uncountable amount of tasks as fast as possible, i.e. process next task whenever new thread is available.

execq allows to create 'IExecutionStream' object that will execute your code each time the thread in the pool is ready to execute next task. That approach should be considered as the most effective way to process unlimited (or almost unlimited) tasks.

#include <execq/execq.h>

// The function is called each time the thread is ready to execute next task.
// It is called only if stream is started.
void ProcessNextObject(const std::atomic_bool& isCanceled)
    if (isCanceled)
        std::cout << "Stream has been canceled. Skipping...";
    static std::atomic_int s_someObject { 0 };
    const int nextObject = s_someObject++;
    std::cout << "Processing object: " << nextObject << '\n';

int main(void)
    std::shared_ptr<execq::IExecutionPool> pool = execq::CreateExecutionPool();
    std::unique_ptr<execq::IExecutionStream> stream = execq::CreateExecutionStream(pool, &ProcessNextObject);
    // Only for example purposes. Usually here (if in 'main') could be RunLoop/EventLoop.
    // Wait until some objects are processed.
    return 0;

Design principles & Tech. details

Consider to use single ExecutionPool object (across whole application) with multiple queues and streams. Combine queues and streams for free to achieve your goals. Be free to assign tasks to queue or operate stream even from the inside of it's callback.

'by-turn' execution

execq is designed in special way of dealing with the tasks of queues and streams to avoid starvation.

Let's assume simple example: there is 2 queues. First, 100 object are pushed to queue #1. After 1 object is pushed to queue #2.

Now few tasks from queue #1 are being executed. But next task for execute will be the task from queue #2, and only then tasks from queue #1.

Avoiding queue starvation

Some tasks could be very time-comsumptive. That means they will block all pool threads execution for a long time. This causes i.e. starvation: none of other queue tasks will be executed unless one of existing tasks is done.

To prevent this, each queue and stream additionally has it's own thread. This thread is some kind of 'insurance' thread, where the tasks from the queue/stream could be executed even if all pool's threads are busy for a long time.

Work to be done


By default, unit-tests are off. To enable them, just add CMake option -DEXECQ_TESTING_ENABLE=ON