

Highlighting for dot-files, /etc/* configs, and program-specific manifests

Syntax highlighting for various configs and file-formats too specific to warrant their own repositories. Basically, a junk-drawer for any language grammar I felt an itch to write, or those I've written for GitHub Linguist.

Feel free to install this in Atom, but don't complain about the mess it'll make of your grammar-selector's menu…

Installing in Atom

You'll need Git, because I don't plan on ever publishing this to atom.io:

# On Unix-like platforms
cd ~/.atom/packages && git clone https://github.com/Alhadis/language-etc.git
:: For Windows users
cd %HOMEPATH%\.atom\packages
git clone "https://github.com/Alhadis/language-etc.git"

To stay updated, run language-etc:update or add this to ~/.atom/config.cson:

	autoUpdate: true

Supported formats

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