


WARNING :warning:: This repo is not maintained anymore.

mTouch-PDFReader is a Xamarin iOS library to display PDF documents on iPad and iPhone. With this library you can to develop complete applications for displaying PDF documents, such as: e-book readers, e-magazines, document browsers, etc. The library is written on Xamarin iOS with use of Cocoa Touch classes for reading and displaying the PDF documents, without the use of third-party libraries. mTouch-PDFReader can be easily integrated to your project as a library or Xamarin component.

The library tested on the latest iOS version 8.1. The current library version is 3.0.0.


How to integrate

To use the library in your project, you should to do a few simple steps:

  1. Add a reference to mTouch-PDFReader library in your project. Or install mThouch-PDFReader component from Xamarin Component Store.
  2. Register global managers in AppDelegate class:
public partial class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate 
  public AppDelegate()
    var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

3.To open PDF document, use the following code:

// Set unique document id, document name (will be used as title) and document full file path
var docId = 1;
var docName = "My book";
var docPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "MyBook.pdf");
// Create Document View controller and pust it in Navigation controller, for example 
var docVC = new DocumentVC();   
NavigationController.PushViewController(docVC, true);

That's it! The PDF document will be opened with default settings:)

How to use Bookmarks and Note manager

The library contains the simple versions of Bookmarks and Note manager. In demo application the all data stored in the memory, and after closing application is losing. But you can inherit these managers and store data in a file or Sqlite db. To do it, you should inherit DocumentBookmarksManager (for bookmarks) and DocumentNoteManager (for notes) managers:

public class MyDocumentBookmarksManager : DocumentBookmarksManager
  public override List<DocumentBookmark> GetAllForDocument(int docId)
    // This method must return all bookmarks objects for the document with id=docId
  public override void Save(DocumentBookmark bookmark)
    // This method for saving bookmark object
  public override void Delete(int bookmarkId)
    // This method for deleting bookmark by id

public class MyDocumentNoteManager : DocumentNoteManager
  public override DocumentNote Load(int docId)
    // This method for loading note for document, by docId
  public override void Save(DocumentNote note)
    // This method for saving note object

How to use Settings

To use Settings View Controller, just create a SettingsVC object and add it as subview to your View Controller:

var settingsVC = new SettingsTableVC();
settingsVC.View.Frame = View.Bounds;

History of changes


Alexander Mac


MIT License