

Graphite - Python 1 liner for Graph Algorithm Succinct Proofs!

Value Proposition

Getting Started


Quick Run

make bfs

make no_cycle

Playing around

Take a look at graphite/setup_custom.py:

def main(args=None):
    if args is None:
        args = parse_args()

Essentially, just need to put the networkx graph G and u_index which is the index of the graph G to run BFS from.

Make sure:


Try out demo.ipynb! Shows you how to create a succinct proof easily in the notebook.


To build and deploy a verifier contract for a graph algorithm implemented as a noir package, do the following

  1. In the noir package, run nargo codegen-verifier
  2. Rename plonk_vk.sol to some_unique_name.sol and move it to graphite/contracts
  3. Delete the contract directory generated by nargo in the noir package itself
  4. In the graphite directory, run source deploy.sh --rpc-url RPC_URL --verifier-contract some_unique_name.sol, where the RPC_URL is for the testnet of the chain you want to deploy on