

Vue Form Send

A Vue.js directive for sending data from form and primitive validation inputs


npm i --save-dev vue-form-send
import VueFormSend from 'vue-form-send'


SSR (Nuxt.js)

import VueFormSend from 'vue-form-send/dist/ssr.index'



<form v-form-send='{success: successResult, fail: failResult}' class='form' action='./send.php' method='post'>
  <input v-form-input='{length: 5}' name='phone' type='text' placeholder='Length > 5'/>
  <input v-form-input='{length: 5, replace: ["-", "/"]}' name='phone' type='text' placeholder='Length > 5 and replace'/>
  <input v-form-input='{length: 5, clean: true}' name='phone' type='text' placeholder='Length > 5 and clear'/>
  <input v-form-input='{length: 5, timeoutError: 0, changeValidation: true}' name='phone' type='text' placeholder='Length > 5 and timeoutErorr 0'/>
  <input v-form-input='{length: 5, changeValidation: true}' name='phone' type='text' placeholder='Length > 5 and changeValidation'/>
  <input v-form-input='{type: "checked"}' name='phone' type='checkbox'/> 

Directive options


OptionValue typeDescription
pressButtonFunctionCall function after click to form button
successFunctionCall function after success send data
failFunctionCall function is fail validation or send data
credentialsBooleanUse credentials
authFunction -> {type: String, data: String}User auth. Return object with auth type and data string format username:password


OptionValue typeDescription
lengthIntegerCheck length value of element
replaceBooleanReplacing symbols from text value
clearBooleanClear value after success send data
timeoutErrorIntegerTimeout for remove error class
changeValidationBooleanReal-time validaton if change input value
typeStringTypes of verification (length of checked). Default - length.