

Quantum Internet Hackathon 2022

This hackathon is a continuation of our previous Pan-European Hackathon in 2019 and a prequel to a series of planned events. The RIPE NCC is joined by the Quantum Internet Alliance (QIA), GÉANT, PSNC, SURF, QuTech and several universities to organise the Quantum Internet Hackathon 2022.


Here's an overview of the challenges for this hackathon:

1. QKD Challenge

This challenge will require you to implement your own QKD protocol using QNE-ADK and test it against an eavesdropper. It consists of four parts:

  1. Implement a basic QKD protocol
  2. Implement an eavesdropper for your protocol and try to detect their presence
  3. Extend your protocol to be able to distinguish between an eavesdropper and channel noise
  4. (Open-ended) Authentication for QKD protocols

πŸ‘‰ Link to a repository with a more detailed description: here

Skills required: Knowledge of QKD protocols is not required, but would be helpful. You will be implementing the protocol in QNE-ADK, so you should be somewhat comfortable with using Python.

2. APIs for Quantum Protocols Challenge

This is an open-ended set of challenges about APIs for quantum protocols. There is already one such API: the ETSI QKD API. There are three sub-challenges:

  1. Design and implement an API (similar to the ETSI QKD API) for any protocol from the Quantum Protocol Zoo
  2. Integrate such API within an already existing open-source app (e.g. Telegram, OpenSSL)
  3. Connect the API to QNE-ADK

If you did not implement your own API in the first step, you can still follow sub-challenges 2. and/or 3. using the already implemented QKD API.

πŸ‘‰ Link to a repository with a more detailed description: here

Skills required: This challenge requires you to have some programming experience. No quantum protocol knowledge is required. If you want to do sub-challenge 2, you should be comfortable with whatever language your chosen app is written in. QNE-ADK uses Python which is needed for sub-challenge 3.

3. "Little Green Qubits"

This is a theoretical / conceptual challenge, trying to answer questions:

πŸ‘‰ Link to a repository with a more detailed description: (link)

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