


StorageBox a simple file storage service.

Tech Stack

Services (docker-compose.yml)

How to Run Locally


To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/AlandSleman/StorageBox

  2. Change to the server/ directory. Copy the contents of the .env.example file into a new file named .env. Default values will work for running locally.

  3. Change to the website/ directory. Copy the contents of the .env.example file into a new file named .env. Default values will work for running locally.

  4. Run the following command to spawn the Docker containers: docker-compose up

Make sure to visit localhost:3000 login with the default credentalsuser:admin, pass:admin, and configure Grafana by following these steps:

How to Run on a VPS


To run the project on a VPS, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/AlandSleman/StorageBox

  2. Change to the server/ directory. Copy the contents of the .env.example file into a new file named .env.

  3. Change to the website/ directory. Copy the contents of the .env.example file into a new file named .env.

  4. Change to the ansible directory and edit vars.yml to your own values. This file contains the variables used for configuring Nginx with Ansible.

  5. You'll also need to update the Nginx maximum upload limit. The default is 1MB. Refer to this guide to update the limit.

  6. Change to the ansible/ directory and run the following command to run the Ansible playbook: ansible-playbook playbook.yml

This playbook will install the required software, spawn Docker containers, and configure Nginx for you. You may also need to configure your firewall. Please note this playbook has only been tested on Linux(Ubuntu).


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.