Library for working with Telegram bots API in FreePascal/Lazarus
FreePascal wrapper classes for Telegram bot's API. You can use it in your own working projects. Please join if you want to help of the development this library.
The library does not use any third-party libraries, besides the built-in FPC. You can use it both independently and together with other libraries, for example, as a plug-in to Brook-framework/Brook4FreePascal
Library has two packages: run-time (fptelegram.lpk
) and design-time (fp-telegram_dt.lpk
). fp-telegram_dt.lpk
contains component DTLongPolBot
It is ready-made longpolling bot which you can use for the rapid developments of longpolling telegram bots.
Look about longpolling here.
This component ca be used in GUI and non-GUI applications, daemons and services and
even in web-server (however, in the latter case, it is preferable to use a webhook mechanism to receive updates.
About webhook is here
You can find in the examples
folder various architectures for using the library:
long polling and webhook,
single-threaded and multithreaded,
using the designtime component and runtime classes