

<h1 align="center">Google drive downloader</h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader/stargazers"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader.svg?color=blueviolet&style=for-the-badge" alt="Stars"></a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader/actions"><img alt="Github Action Checks" src="https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader/.github/workflows/main.yml?branch=master&label=CI%20Checks&style=for-the-badge"></a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader/blob/master/LICENSE"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader.svg?style=for-the-badge" alt="License"></a> </p>

gdrive-downloader is a collection of shell scripts runnable on all POSIX compatible shells ( sh / ksh / dash / bash / zsh / etc ).

It can be used to to download files or folders from google gdrive.

Table of Contents


As this is a collection of shell scripts, there aren't many dependencies. See Native Dependencies after this section for explicitly required program list.

Linux or MacOS

For Linux or MacOS, you hopefully don't need to configure anything extra, it should work by default.


Install Termux.

Then, pkg install curl and done.

It's fully tested for all usecases of this script.


Install iSH

While it has not been officially tested, but should work given the description of the app. Report if you got it working by creating an issue.


Use Windows Subsystem

Again, it has not been officially tested on windows, there shouldn't be anything preventing it from working. Report if you got it working by creating an issue.

Installing and Updating

Native Dependencies

This repo contains two types of scripts, posix compatible and bash compatible.

<strong>These programs are required in both bash and posix scripts.</strong>

ProgramRole In Script
curlAll network requests
xargsFor parallel downloading
mkdirTo create folders
rmTo remove files and folders
mktempTo generate temporary files ( optional )
sleepSelf explanatory
psTo manage different processes
duTo get actual file sizes

<strong>If BASH is not available or BASH is available but version is less tham 4.x, then below programs are also required:</strong>

ProgramRole In Script
dateFor installation, update and Miscellaneous
stty or zsh or tputTo determine column size ( optional )


You can install the script by automatic installation script provided in the repository.

Default values set by automatic installation script, which are changeable:

Repo: Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader

Command name: gdl

Installation path: $HOME/.gdrive-downloader

Source value: master

Shell file: .bashrc or .zshrc or .profile

For custom command name, repo, shell file, etc, see advanced installation method.

Now, for automatic install script, there are two ways:

Basic Method

To install gdrive-downloader in your system, you can run the below command:

curl -Ls --compressed https://drivedl.cf | sh -s

alternatively, you can use the original github url instead of https://drivedl.cf

curl -Ls --compressed  https://github.com/Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader/raw/master/install.sh | sh -s

After the scripts have been downloaded, it will ask to add path to shell rc, follow the instructions.

Typically the command look likes this:

echo '[ -f "${HOME}/.gdrive-downloader/gdl" ] && [ -x "${HOME}/.gdrive-downloader/gdl" ] && PATH="${HOME}/.gdrive-downloader:${PATH}"' >> ~/.zshrc

where .zshrc can be .bashrc / .profile or any other file where you want to add.

Alternatively, to install globaly, run below commands:

curl -Ls --compressed  https://github.com/Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader/raw/master/install.sh | sudo sh -s -- --path /usr/local/bin

Note: Here /usr/local/bin can be /usr/bin or some other path.

Advanced Method

This section provides information on how to utilise the install.sh script for custom usescases.

These are the flags that are available in the install.sh script:

<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

Now, run the script and use flags according to your usecase.


curl -Ls --compressed https://drivedl.cf | sh -s -- -r username/reponame -p somepath -s shell_file -c command_name -b branch_name


If you have followed the automatic method to install the script, then you can automatically update the script.

There are three methods:

  1. Automatic updates

    By default, script checks for update after 3 days. Use -t / --time flag of install.sh to modify the interval.

    An update log is saved in "${HOME}/.gdrive-downloader/update.log".

  2. Use the script itself to update the script.

    gdl -u or gdl --update

    This will update the script where it is installed.

    <strong>If you use the this flag without actually installing the script,</strong>

    <strong>e.g just by sh gdl.sh -u then it will install the script or update if already installed.</strong>

  3. Run the installation script again.

    Yes, just run the installation script again as we did in install section, and voila, it's done.

Note: Above methods always obey the values set by user in advanced installation, e.g if you have installed the script with different repo, say myrepo/gdrive-downloader, then the update will be also fetched from the same repo.


After installation, no more configuration is needed for public files/folders.

But sometimes, downloading files from shared drive ( team drives ) errors. To tackle this, use --key flag and bypass that error. In case it still errors out, give your own api key as argument.

To get your own api key, go to Retrieve API key section in auth.md.

Note: Even after specifying api key, don't recklessly download a file over and over, it will lead to 24 hr ip ban.

To handle the issue ( more of a abuse ) in above note, use oauth authentication.

Other scenario where oauth authentication is needed would be for downloading private files/folders. Go to Authentication section for more info.

gdl gdrive_id/gdrive_url

Script supports argument as gdrive_url, or a gdrive_id, given those should be publicly available.

Now, we have covered the basics, move on to the next section for extra features and usage, like skipping sub folders, parallel downloads, etc.

Download Script Custom Flags

These are the custom flags that are currently implemented:


For oauth or api key authentication, see auth.md

First Run

On first run, the script asks for all the required credentials, which we have obtained in the previous section.

Execute the script: gdl gdrive_url/gdrive_id -o

Note: -o/ --oauth flag is needed if file should be downloaded with authentication.

Now, it will ask for following credentials:

Client ID: Copy and paste from credentials.json

Client Secret: Copy and paste from credentials.json

Refresh Token: If you have previously generated a refresh token authenticated to your account, then enter it, otherwise leave blank. If you don't have refresh token, script outputs a URL on the terminal script, open that url in a web browser and tap on allow. Go back to terminal and press enter.

If everything went fine, all the required credentials have been set.


After first run, the credentials are saved in config file. The config file is ${HOME}/.gdl.conf.

To use a different one temporarily, see -c / --config custom in Download Script Custom Flags.

This is the format of a config file:

ACCOUNT_default_CLIENT_ID="client id"
ACCOUNT_default_CLIENT_SECRET="client secret"
ACCOUNT_default_REFRESH_TOKEN="refresh token"
ACCOUNT_default_ACCESS_TOKEN="access token"
ACCOUNT_default_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY="access token expiry"

where default is the name of the account.

You can use a config file in multiple machines, the values that are explicitly required are CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET and REFRESH_TOKEN.

ACCESS_TOKEN and ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY are automatically generated using REFRESH_TOKEN.

A pre-generated config file can be also used where interactive terminal access is not possible, like Continuous Integration, docker, jenkins, etc

Just have to print values to "${HOME}/.gdl.conf", e.g:

printf "%s\n" '
ACCOUNT_default_CLIENT_ID="client id"
ACCOUNT_default_CLIENT_SECRET="client secret"
ACCOUNT_default_REFRESH_TOKEN="refresh token"
' >| "${HOME}/.gdl.conf"

Note: Don't skip those backslashes before the double qoutes, it's necessary to handle spacing.

Note: If you have an old config, then nothing extra is needed, just need to run the script once and the default config will be automatically converted to the new format.

Progress Bar

When downloading a file, or a folder ( except parallel downloading ), script shows progress bar for ongoing download.

================[ Downloaded: 4.6 GB | Left: 44.7 GB ]=================
------------------[ Speed: 48.0 MB/s | ETA: 15m10s ]-------------------

Multiple Inputs

You can use multiple inputs without any extra hassle.

Pass arguments normally, e.g: gdl url1 url2 id2 id2

where url1 and url2 are drive urls and rest two are gdrive ids.

Resuming Interrupted Downloads

Downloads interrupted either due to bad internet connection or manual interruption, can be resumed from the same position.

You can interrupt many times you want, it will resume ( hopefully ).

It will not download again if file is already present, thus avoiding bandwidth waste.

In normal mode of downloading, when aria is used, if interrupted, then it will be resumed by curl because aria cannot detect the remote file size.

But when --key or --oauth is used, it will resume successfully with aria too.


If you have followed the automatic method to install the script, then you can automatically uninstall the script.

There are two methods:

  1. Use the script itself to uninstall the script.

    gdl --uninstall

    This will remove the script related files and remove path change from shell file.

  2. Run the installation script again with -U/--uninstall flag

    curl -Ls --compressed https://drivedl.cf | sh -s -- --uninstall

    Yes, just run the installation script again with the flag and voila, it's done.

Note: Above methods always obey the values set by user in advanced installation.

How it works

In this section, the mechanism of the script it explained, if one is curious how it works to download folders as it is not supported officially.

The main catch here is that the script uses gdrive api to fetch details of a given file or folder id/url. But then how it is without authentication ?

Well, it does uses the api key but i have provided it in script. I have grabbed the api key from their gdrive file page, just open a gdrive folder on browser, open console and see network requests, open one of the POST requests and there you have it.

Also, google api key have a check for referer, so we pass referer with curl as https://drive.google.com to properly use the key.

Now, next steps are simple enough:

Input Check

Main Function: _check_id

It parses the input and extract the file_id, then it does a network request to fetch name, size and mimetype of id.

If it's doesn't give http status 40*, then proceed.

In case of:


Main Function: _download_file

Before downloading, the script checks if file is already present. If present compare the file size to remote file size and resume the download if applicable.

Recent updates by google have the made the download links ip specific and very strict about cookies, so it can only be downloaded on the system where cookies was fetched. Earlier, cookies was only needed for a file greater than 100 MB.

But either the case, the file can be moved to a different system and the script will resume the file from same position.


Main Function: _download_folder

First, all the files and sub folder details are fetched. Details include id and mimeType.

Now, it downloads the files using _download_file function, and in case of sub-folders, _download_folder function is repeated.

Reporting Issues

Issues StatusGitHub issuesGitHub issues-closed

Use the GitHub issue tracker for any bugs or feature suggestions.


Total ContributersGitHub contributors
Pull RequestsGitHub pull-requestsGitHub pull-requests closed

Submit patches to code or documentation as GitHub pull requests.

Make sure to run format_and_lint.sh and release.sh before making a new pull request.

If using a code editor, then use shfmt and shellcheck plugin instead of format_and_lint.sh
