

Home assistant Sun card

Home assistant Sun card based on Google weather design


Light mode preview Dark mode preview




Home assistant Sun card is available by default on HACS directory. More info here.


  1. Download the home-assistant-sun-card.js file from the latest release available and save it in your configuration/www folder.
  2. Go to Configuration > Lovelace dashboard > Resources in Home Assistant and click on Add resource.
    1. Add /local/community/home-assistant-sun-card.js to the URL.
    2. Choose Javascript Module as Resource type.

Set up

Using UI

  1. Go to your dashboard, enter in edit mode and click on Add card, you should be able to find Custom: Sun card in the list.
  2. Once in the UI editor you can modify the card behavior by adding some of the config that you will find below

Note: If Custom: Sun card doesn't appear you will have to reload cleaning the cache.

Using YAML

  1. You just need to add a new card with type: 'custom:sun-card' to your cards list and any of the config that you will find below if you want to customize more your card.

Note: If you get an error similar to this Custom element doesn't exist you will have to reload cleaning the cache.


NameAccepted valuesDescriptionDefault
darkModebooleanChanges card colors to dark or lightHome assistant dark mode state
languagestring<sup>1</sup>Changes card languageHome assistant language or english if not supported
showAzimuthbooleanDisplays azimuth in the footerfalse
showElevationbooleanDisplays elevation in the footerfalse
timeFormat'12h'/'24h'Displayed time formatLocale based on Home assistant language
titlestringCard titleDoesn't display a title by default

(<sup>1</sup>) Supported languages: da, de, en, es, et, fi, fr, hu, it, nl, pl, pt-BR, ru, sl, sv

Known issues