

JSONExport is Seeking New Maintainers/Contributors

Hello everyone,

I've had a great time working on this project, I kicked it of with the support for few languages, and the amazing community added plenty more! However, I am currently unable to continue actively maintaining this project and attend to all incoming issues/requests. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the development of this project over the years.

I'm hoping to find someone (or a group of people) who are interested in taking over as maintainers or contributors. If you are interested, here's how you can express your interest:

  1. Fork the repository and make some contributions. You can start with solving existing issues or adding new features.
  2. Send a pull request with your changes. I promise I will be more attentive to future PRs.
  3. After a few successful pull requests, create an issue titled "[Your Name] for maintainer" and in the description, reference your earlier contribution and any additional features/changes you would like to bring to the project, if any.

The community will have a chance to voice their thoughts on the issue. If the feedback is neutral or positive, and there is no clear blocker on why you wouldn't be a good contributor, I will add you to the project as maintainer.

I believe in the power of open source and the incredible community that drives it. I am confident that with your support, JSONExport can continue to grow and evolve.

Thank you for your understanding and for your continued support of JSONExport.

Best regards,



JSONExport is a desktop application for Mac OS X written in Swift. Using JSONExport you will be able to:

Generated Files

Each generated file, besid the getters and setters (for Java) can include:

Currently supported languages

Currently you can convert your JSON object to one of the following languages:

  1. Java for Android.
  2. Java for Realm Android.
  3. GSON for Android
  4. Swift Classes.
  5. Swift Classes for SwiftyJSON library.
  6. Swift Classes for Realm.
  7. Swift - CoreData.
  8. Swift Structures.
  9. Swift Structures for Gloss
  10. Swift Mappable Classes for (Swift 3) ObjectMapper
  11. Swift Structures for Unbox
  12. Objective-C - iOS.
  13. Objective-C - MAC.
  14. Objective-C - CoreData.
  15. Objective-C for Realm iOS.

Screenshot shows JSONExport used for a snippet from Twitter timeline JSON and converting it to Swift-CoreData. alt tag


Kindly clone the project, and build it using xCode 8 and above.

To Do

Known Limitations:

Final Note

The application still in its early stage. Please report any issue so I can improve it.


JSONExport is available under custom version of MIT license.