


Elixir Wrapper for Gandi infrastructure.

iex(1)> Gandi.Domain.info("example.com")
%XMLRPC.MethodResponse{param: %{"authinfo" => "xyz",
   "authinfo_expiration_date" => %XMLRPC.DateTime{raw: "20170630T18:29:54"},
   "autorenew" => nil, "can_tld_lock" => true,
   "contacts" => %{"admin" => %{"handle" => "HRXXXX-GANDI", "id" => 123456},
     "bill" => %{"handle" => "HRXXXX-GANDI", "id" => 123456},
     "owner" => %{"handle" => "HRXXXX-GANDI", "id" => 123456},
     "reseller" => nil,
     "tech" => %{"handle" => "HRXXXX-GANDI", "id" => 123456}},
   "date_created" => %XMLRPC.DateTime{raw: "20140717T12:10:36"},
   "date_delete" => %XMLRPC.DateTime{raw: "20170816T00:10:36"},
   "date_hold_begin" => %XMLRPC.DateTime{raw: "20170717T10:10:36"},
   "date_hold_end" => %XMLRPC.DateTime{raw: "20170816T10:10:36"},
   "date_pending_delete_end" => %XMLRPC.DateTime{raw: "20170920T10:10:36"},
   "date_registry_creation" => %XMLRPC.DateTime{raw: "20140717T10:10:36"},
   "date_registry_end" => %XMLRPC.DateTime{raw: "20170717T10:10:36"},
   "date_renew_begin" => %XMLRPC.DateTime{raw: "20120101T00:00:00"},
   "date_restore_end" => %XMLRPC.DateTime{raw: "20170915T10:10:36"},
   "date_updated" => %XMLRPC.DateTime{raw: "20161129T02:22:25"},
   "entity_id" => nil, "fqdn" => "example.com", "id" => 123456,
   "is_premium" => false,
   "nameservers" => ["roxy.ns.cloudflare.com", "theo.ns.cloudflare.com"],
   "services" => ["blog", "gandimail", "redirection"],
   "status" => ["serverTransferProhibited", "clientTransferProhibited"],
   "tags" => [], "tld" => "in", "zone_id" => nil}}


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add gandi to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do [{:gandi, "~> 0.0.1"}] end

  2. Ensure gandi is started before your application:

    def application do [applications: [:gandi]] end


Huge Documentation Catalog API Certificate API Contact API Hosting API Notification API Operation API PaaS API Security API Site API


Elixir-Gandi is Copyright © 2016 Ahamtech. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.

About Ahamtech

Elixir-Gandi is maintained by Ahamtech.

We love open source software, Erlang, Elixir, and Phoenix. See our other opensource projects, or hire our Elixir Phoenix development team to design, develop, and grow your product.