

Agriculture Monitoring Data Cube (ADC)

A Data Cube of Big Satellite Image Time-Series for Agriculture Monitoring

PyPI - Python alt text

Table of Contents


The Agriculture monitoring Data Cube (ADC) is an automated, modular, end-to-end framework for discovering, pre-processing and indexing optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images into a multidimensional cube. ADC is based on the Open Data Cube framework, but it also comes with a set of powerful functionalities on top of it enhancing the validation process during CAP monitoring and extracting knowledge from the SITS analyses and the machine learning tasks .Thus, ADC can be used for building scalable country-specific knowledge bases that can efficiently answer complex and multi-faceted geospatial queries.


A few things that you can do with ADC:

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Who uses ADC

How it Works

The ADC can be setup and deployed in any environment. Our solution is hosted in the Creo-DIAS cloud plaform allowing the direct access to satellite data. Currently, ADC is configured to monitor at national scale two countries, Lithuania and Cyprus.


data = get_data_for_validation(parcel=alerts[id_to_check],start_date='2019-01-01',end_date='2019-12-31',index='ndvi')
data_resampled = data.resample(time='15D').interpolate('linear')


It is recommended to follow the instructions related to the installation of the Open Data Cube and the construction of the yaml files as it has been presented in our previous work: https://github.com/Agri-Hub/datacap

