

English | 中文


AgiBot X1 is a modular humanoid robot with high dof developed and open-sourced by AgiBot. It is built upon AgiBot's open-source framework AimRT as middleware and using reinforcement learning for locomotion control.

This project is about the reinforcement learning training code used by AgiBot X1. It can be used in conjunction with the inference software provided with AgiBot X1 for real-robot and simulated walking debugging, or be imported to other robot models for training.


Install Dependencies

  1. Create a new Python 3.8 virtual environment:
    • conda create -n myenv python=3.8.
  2. Install pytorch 1.13 and cuda-11.7:
    • conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
  3. Install numpy-1.23:
    • conda install numpy=1.23.
  4. Install Isaac Gym:
    • Download and install Isaac Gym Preview 4 from https://developer.nvidia.com/isaac-gym.
    • cd isaacgym/python && pip install -e .
    • Run an example with cd examples && python 1080_balls_of_solitude.py.
    • Consult isaacgym/docs/index.html for troubleshooting.
  5. Install the training code dependencies:
    • Clone this repository.
    • pip install -e .



python scripts/train.py --task=x1_dh_stand --run_name=<run_name> --headless


python /scripts/play.py --task=x1_dh_stand --load_run=<date_time><run_name>

Generate the JIT Model:

python scripts/export_policy_dh.py --task=x1_dh_stand --load_run=<date_time><run_name>

Generate the ONNX Model:

python scripts/export_onnx_dh.py --task=x1_dh_stand --load_run=<date_time>

Parameter Descriptions:

Add New Environments

  1. Create a new folder under the envs/ directory, and then create a configuration file <your_env>_config.py and an environment file <your_env>_env.py in the folder. The two files should inherit LeggedRobotCfg and LeggedRobot respectively.

  2. Place the URDF, mesh, and MJCF files of the new robot in the resources/ folder.

  1. Register the new robot in humanoid/envs/__init__.py.


Use Mujoco for sim2sim validation:

python scripts/sim2sim.py --task=x1_dh_stand --load_model /path/to/exported_policies/

Usage of Joystick

We use the Logitech F710 Joystick. When starting play.py and sim2sim.py, press and hold button 4 while rotating the joystick to control the robot to move forward/backward, strafe left/right or rotate.

4 + 1-Move forward
4 + 1+Move backward
4 + 0-Strafe left
4 + 0+Strafe right
4 + 3-Rotate counterclockwise
4 + 3+Rotate clockwise

Directory Structure

|— humanoid           # Main code directory
|  |—algo             # Algorithm directory
|  |—envs             # Environment directory
|  |—scripts          # Script directory
|  |—utilis           # Utility and function directory
|— logs               # Model directory
|— resources          # Resource library
|  |— robots          # Robot urdf, mjcf, mesh
|— README.md          # README document
