

Zsh Quiet-Accept-Line

Tag Version Build Status License: MIT

This Zsh plugin enables you to run typed zsh command without triggering new prompt, history entry, or having output being outputed.

Here is a (now a outdated :scroll:)_) preview :clapper::



This plugins define several zle widgets to run commands from the shell as variant of classic accept-line:

Optionaly status code of the quietly runned command can be display. To do so, set ZLE_QAL_STATUS_DISPLAY to true, on or yes. (QAL stands for Quiet Accept Line)

Also note, after running a command, the eventual commands that where pushed with an ESC-Q are restored.


Just source quiet-accept-line content, or if you use a plugin manager set adrieankhisbe/zsh-quiet-accept-line as plugin:


Keys can be configured based on the following variables and relatable defaults: ZLE_QAL_QUIET_KEY (^X^M), ZLE_QAL_SILENT_KEY (^X^J), ZLE_QAL_COMPACT_KEY, ZLE_QAL_PAGER_KEY/ZLE_QAL_PAGER_KEY2 (^X^\C-M/\e^\C-M) and ZLE_QAL_LAST_KEY(^X^K).

Output of the status code can be customized with the following variable:

As mention in usage, some behavior can be configured, notably:


This plugin was driven by the need to improve tmux-resurrect zsh history saving that was poluting terminal with fc commands. After some research I end up on the following stack overflow question, that inspired the initial implementation.