

AdGuard Filters Compiler

Filters compiler package is a tool for compiling ad blocking filters into a supported format. It is used in FiltersRegistry.


This package is suggested to be used with filters repository with directory structure presented in tests here.

The package could be run with the following command:

const whitelist = [1, 3];
const blacklist = [2];

const path = require('path');
const compiler = require("adguard-filters-compiler");

const filtersDir = path.join(__dirname, './filters');
const logPath = path.join(__dirname, './log.txt');
const reportPath = path.join(__dirname, './report.txt');

const platformsPath = path.join(__dirname, './platforms');

const customPlatformsConfig = {
    // Here you can redefine some of the platforms from platforms.json
    // or add new platforms if you need it.
    "MAC_V3": {
        "platform": "mac",
        "path": "mac_v3",
        "configuration": {
            "ignoreRuleHints": false,
            "removeRulePatterns": [
                "^\\/.*" // remove regex rules for some reason.
            "replacements": [
                    "from": "regex",
                    "to": "repl"
        "defines": {
            "adguard": true,
            "adguard_app_mac": true

compiler.compile(filtersDir, logPath, reportPath, platformsPath, whitelist, blacklist, customPlatformsConfig);


yarn test


In order to add support for new scriptlets and redirects, you should update @adguard/tsurlfilter with updated scriptlets.

For fixing scriptlets converting or validation you should update scriptlets.

Filters metadata

Description of the filters metadata is available in the FiltersRegistry repository.

<a name="include-directive"></a> @include directive and its options

The @include directive provides the ability to include content from the specified address.


@include <filepath> [<options>]


[!IMPORTANT] The content of the included file is formatted by the options due to the order of their mention in the directive, except /ignoreTrustLevel.
