


<p align="center"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://cdn.adguard.com/public/Adguard/Common/Logos/ext_dark.svg" width="300px" alt="AdGuard Browser Extension" /> <img src="https://cdn.adguard.com/public/Adguard/Common/Logos/ext.svg" width="300px" alt="AdGuard Browser Extension"/> </picture> </p> <h3 align="center">Ad blocker with advanced privacy protection features</h3> <p align="center"> AdGuard is a fast and lightweight ad blocking browser extension<br/>that effectively blocks all types of ads and trackers. </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://adguard.com/">AdGuard.com</a> | <a href="https://reddit.com/r/Adguard">Reddit</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/AdGuard">Twitter</a> | <a href="https://t.me/adguard_en">Telegram</a> <br /><br /> <a href="https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension/releases"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/release/AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension/all.svg" alt="Latest release" /> </a> <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adguard-adblocker/"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/amo/v/adguard-adblocker?labelColor=orange" alt="Mozilla Add-on Version" /> </a> </p> <br /> <p align="center"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://cdn.adguard.com/public/Adguard/Common/adguard_extension_settings_dark.png" width="900px" alt="AdGuard Browser Extension" /> <img src="https://cdn.adguard.com/public/Adguard/Common/adguard_extension_settings_white.png" width="900px" alt="AdGuard Browser Extension"/> </picture> </p>

AdGuard is a fast and lightweight ad blocking browser extension that effectively blocks all types of ads and trackers on all web pages. We focus on advanced privacy protection features to not just block known trackers, but prevent web sites from building your shadow profile. Unlike its standalone counterparts (AG for Windows, Mac), the browser extension is completely free and open source. You can learn more about the difference here.

AdGuard does not collect any information about you, and does not participate in any acceptable ads program. The only source of income we have is selling premium versions of our software, and we intend to keep it that way.

<a name="installation"></a> Installation

<a name="installation-chrome"></a> Chrome and Chromium-based browsers

You can get the latest available AdGuard Extension version from the Chrome Web Store.

<a name="installation-firefox"></a> Firefox

You can get the latest version of AdGuard Extension from the Mozilla Add-ons website.

<a name="installation-opera"></a> Opera

Opera is basically a Chromium browser, but it maintains its own add-ons store. You can get AdGuard Extension from there.

<a name="installation-edge"></a> Microsoft Edge

The latest stable version of AdGuard browser extension is available in Microsoft Store.

<a name="contribution"></a> Contribution

We are blessed to have a community that does not only love AdGuard, but also gives back. A lot of people volunteer in various ways to make other users' experience with AdGuard better, and you can join them!

We, on our part, can only be happy to reward the most active members of the community. So, what can you do?

<a name="contribution-translating"></a> Translating AdGuard

If you want to help with AdGuard translations, please learn more about translating our products here: https://kb.adguard.com/en/general/adguard-translations

<a name="contribution-testing"></a> Testing AdGuard

You can get a beta version of AdGuard Browser Extension for any browser. All necessary information on this topic can be found on a dedicated page on our website.

<a name="contribution-reporting"></a> Reporting issues

GitHub can be used to report a bug or to submit a feature request. To do so, go to this page and click the New issue button.

[!NOTE] For the filter-related issues (missed ads, false positives etc.) use the dedicated repository.

<a name="contribution-other"></a> Other options

Here is a dedicated page for those who are willing to contribute.

<a name="dev"></a> Development

<a name="dev-requirements"></a> Requirements

Install local dependencies by running:

pnpm install

<a name="dev-build"></a> How to build

<a name="dev-tests-and-build"></a> Tests and dev build

Running tests:

pnpm test

Run the following command to build the dev version:

pnpm dev

This will create a build directory with unpacked extensions for all browsers:


To make a dev build for a specific browser, run:

pnpm dev <browser>

Where <browser> is one of the following: chrome, edge, opera, firefox, firefox-standalone, like this:

pnpm dev chrome

To run dev build in watch mode, run:

pnpm dev --watch

Or for a specific browser:

pnpm dev <browser> --watch

<a name="dev-link"></a> Linking with the developer build of tsurlfilter/tswebextension

Since version v4.0, AdGuard browser extension uses an open source library tsurlfilter that implements the filtering engine.

While developing the browser extension it may be required to test the changes to tsurlfilter. Here's what you need to do to link your local dev build to the local dev build of tsurlfilter.

  1. Clone and build tsurlfilter libraries.

  2. You have two options to link the packages:

    • Option 1: Link the packages globally:

      1. Go to the tsurlfilter/packages/tsurlfilter or tsurlfilter/packages/tswebextension directory.

      2. Run the following command:

        pnpm link --global

        This command will create a symlink to the package in the global node_modules directory.

      3. Once you have the packages linked globally, you can link them to the browser extension. Just run the following command in the root directory of the browser extension:

        pnpm link @adguard/tsurlfilter
    • Option 2: Link the packages by path:

      1. Just run the following command in the root directory of the browser extension:

        pnpm link <path-to-tsurlfilter/packages/tsurlfilter>
  3. If you want to unlink the packages, just run pnpm unlink @adguard/tsurlfilter or pnpm unlink @adguard/tswebextension in the root directory of the browser extension regardless of the linking option you chose.

    [!WARNING] pnpm will modify the lock file when linking packages. See https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues/4219.

    [!NOTE] If you want to list linked packages, run pnpm list --depth 0 in the root directory of the browser extension which will show you all dependencies. Linked packages have a version like link:../path/to/package.

  4. Build the browser extension in the watch mode:

    pnpm dev <browser> --watch

<a name="dev-beta-and-release"></a> Building the beta and release versions

Before building the release version, you should manually download the necessary resources that will be included into the build: filters and public suffix list.

pnpm resources

This command also checks if there are dangerous rules in the filters. See dangerous rules

pnpm beta
pnpm release

You will need to put certificate.pem file to the ./private directory. This build will create unpacked extensions and then pack them (crx for Chrome).

<a name="dev-for-firefox-reviewers"></a> Special building instructions for Firefox reviewers

  1. Ensure you have installed Node.js and pnpm.

  2. To build the BETA version, run:

    pnpm beta firefox-standalone
  3. Navigate to the build directory:

    cd ./build/beta
  4. Compare the generated firefox.zip file with the uploaded one.

<a name="dev-bundle-size"> Analyzing bundle size

If you want to analyze the bundle size, run build with the ANALYZE environment:

pnpm cross-env ANALYZE=true pnpm <build command>

So, for example, if you want to analyze the beta build for Chrome, run:

pnpm cross-env ANALYZE=true pnpm beta chrome

Or if you want to analyze all beta builds, run:

pnpm cross-env ANALYZE=true pnpm beta

Analyzer will generate reports to the ./build/analyze-reports directory in the following format:

├── <browser-name>-<build-type>.html

<a name="dev-linter"></a> Linter

Despite our code may not currently comply with new style configuration, please, setup eslint in your editor to follow up with it .eslintrc

<a name="dev-localizations"></a> Update localizations

To download and append localizations run:

pnpm locales download

To upload new phrases to crowdin you need the file with phrases ./Extension/_locales/en/messages.json. Then run:

pnpm locales upload

To remove old messages from locale messages run:

pnpm locales renew

To validate translations run:

pnpm locales validate

To show locales info run:

pnpm locales info

<a name="browser-compatibility"></a> Minimum supported browser versions

Chromium-based browsers MV279
Chromium-based browsers MV3121
Firefox Mobile113