

Ada Build Curriculum

This repository contains the materials for the Build program as part of Ada Developers Academy. This curriculum is designed as an introductory curriculum for people starting their journey into coding.

Learning at Ada

Through these resources you will learn about the languages that Ada teaches and practice the art of problem solving.

00Ada programming languages
01Effective Internet Searching
02Problem Solving

Introduction to Programming in Python

These lessons will introduce you to the fundamentals of programming including writing your first program, learning programming vocabulary, and learning to store and interact with data.

Intro Video

01Hello World
02Programming Grammar: Comments, Data types, Mathematical operators, Strings
03Branching: Relational operators, Logical operators, Conditionals
05Looping and Iteration: For and While Loops
08Problem Statements
OptionalUser Input <br /> This lesson is optional and can be completed anytime after Lesson 02 - Programming Grammar

Video Lessons

There are livecode video lessons linked throughout the lessons. An up-to-date catalog of videos can be found here.


Finally, the folx at Ada are always iterating and improving our curriculum. If you find a bug, typo, or just generally have a suggestion for the Ada Build curriculum, you can give feedback by visiting the Issues page for this project in github and clicking the green button for a New Issue.