


The best automation framework for RCL(Razor Component Library) to help you easy and quickly building your own Razor Component Library

中文介绍 | Quick Start | Document

Latest Version

v4.x supports .net6 .net7

v5.x supports .net8

:sparkles: Features

:rainbow: Quick Start

Only change ComponentBase to BlazorComponetBase for derived component class

[HtmlTag("button")] //define HTML element tag
[CssClass("btn")] //define component necessary CSS class
public class Button : BlazorComponentBase, IHasChildContent, IHasOnClick
	[Parameter][CssClass("active")]public bool Active { get; set; } 	
	[Parameter][CssClass("btn-")]public Color? Color { get; set; } 
	[Parameter]public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }
	[Parameter][HtmlData("tooltip")]public string? Tooltip { get; set; }
	[Parameter][HtmlAttribute("onclick")]public EventCallback<ClickEventArgs> OnClick { get; set; }
	[Parameter][HtmlAttribute]public string? Title { get; set; }

public enum Color

OR you also can define most part of automation features in razor file:

@inherits BlazorComponentBase

<!--Bind GetAttributes() for @attributes to getting automation features-->

<button @attributes="@GetAttributes()"> 

	public Button()

	[Parameter][CssClass("active")]public bool Active { get; set; } 	
	[Parameter][CssClass("btn-")]public Color? Color { get; set; } 
	[Parameter]public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; } 
	[Parameter][HtmlData("tooltip")]public string? Tooltip { get; set; }
	[Parameter][HtmlAttribute("onclick")]public EventCallback<ClickEventArgs> OnClick { get; set; } 
	[Parameter][HtmlAttribute]public string? Title { get; set; }
	public enum Color
<Button Color="Color.Primary">Submit</Button>
<button class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>

<Button Active Tooltip="active button" Color="Color.Information" Title="click me">Active Button</Button>
<button class="btn btn-info active" data-tooltip="active button" title="click me">Active Button</button>

:information_source: Logical CSS/Style/Attributes

protected override void BuildCssClass(ICssClassBuilder builder)

protected override void BuildStyle(IStyleBuilder builder)

protected override void BuildAttributes(IDictionary<string, object> attributes)
		attributes["data-toggle"] = "collapse";

:children_crossing: Parent/Child component

Easy to create parent/child pair components using ParentComponentAttribute and ChildComponentAttribute<TParent>

[ParentComponent] //auto creating the cascading parameter for current 
public class List : BlazorComponentBase, IHasChildContent

[ChildComponent<List>] //Strong association with List
public class ListItem : BlazorComponentBase, IHasChildContent
	[CascadingParameter]public List? CascadedList { get; set; }//Auto getting the instance of cascading parameter

	[Parameter] public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }

Use in blazor


<ListItem /> <!--throw exception because ListItem must be the child component of List coponent-->

In .razor file

In razor file component, you should create cascading parameter by yourself


<ul @attributes="@GetAttributes()">
	<CascadingValue Value="this">


<li @attributes="GetAttributes()">@ChildContent</li>

	public ListItem()

	[CascadingParameter] public List? CascadedList { get; set; }

	[Parameter] public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }

:smile: Other extensions

It's very useful for dynamic component creating using OOP mindset

builder.CreateElement(0, "div","any text", new { @class="main" });		
//<div class="main">any text</div>

builder.CreateComponent<MyComponent>(attributes: new { Visible = true }); 
//<MyComponent Visible />

//<CascadingValue Value="this"></CascadingValue>

Write RenderTreeBuilder as fluent API

//import namespace
using ComponentBuilder.FluentRenderTree;

builder.Element("p", "default-class")		// create <p> element with default class
		.Class("hover", Hoverable)			// append class if Hoverable parameter is true
		.Attribute("disabled", Disabled)	// add HTML attribute if Disabled is true
		.Data("trigger", "string")			// add data-trigger="string" HTML attribute if String parameter not empty
		.Callback<MouseEventArgs>("onmouseover", this, e => MyHandler())	// add event named 'onmouseover' with a event handler code
		.Content("content text")			// add inner text for this element

//HTML element generate like:
<p class="default-class hover" data-trigger="string" disabled>content text</p>

// normally in razor file:
<p class="default-class @(Hoverable?"hover":"")" disabled="@Disabled" data-trigger="string" @onmouseover="@(e => MyHandler())">content text</p>

		.Parameter(m => m.Disabled, true)
		.Parameter(m => Size, 5)
		.ChildContent("My name is hello world")

//import namespace
using ComponentBuilder.JSInterop

//create dynamic css class string
HtmlHelper.Class.Append("class1").Append("disabled", Disabled).ToString();

//create dynamic style string
HtmlHelper.Style.Append($"width:{Width}px").Append($"height:{Height}px", Height.HasValue).ToString();

//create dynamic EventCallback
HtmlHelper.Callback.Create(this, ()=>{ //action for callback });

Interactive with C# and JS

export function sayHello(){

export function getClient(){
	return name;

@inject IJSRuntime JS

var module = JS.ImportAsync("./module.js");	//Import js module

await module.Module.InvokeVoidAsync("sayHello");
var name = await module.Module.InvokeAsync<string>("getClient");

:crossed_swords: Interceptors

You can intercept the lifecycle of component

public class LogInterceptor : ComponentInterceptorBase
	private readonly ILogger<LogInterceptor> _logger;
	public LogInterceptor(ILogger<LogInterceptor> logger)
		_logger = logger;

	//Run in SetParameterAsync method is called
	public override void InterceptSetParameters(IBlazorComponent component, ParameterView parameters)
		foreach(var item in parameters)
			_logger.LogDebug($"Key:{item.Name}, Value:{item.Value}");
builder.Services.AddComponentBuilder(configure => {

BlazorComponentBase Lifecycle

Why interceptors?

Follow SOLID pricipal when designing a component. So you no need break the lifecycle or using override any protected method such as OnParameterSet to create new HTML attribute whatever you want.

:recycle: Renderer Pipeline

Recognize special case to render specified component

public class NavLinkComponentRender : IComponentRender
	public bool Render(IBlazorComponent component, RenderTreeBuilder builder)
		if ( component is IHasNavLink navLink )
			builder.AddAttribute(1, nameof(NavLink.Match), navLink.Match);
			builder.AddAttribute(2, nameof(NavLink.ActiveClass), navLink.ActiveCssClass);
			builder.AddAttribute(3, nameof(NavLink.ChildContent), navLink.ChildContent);
			builder.AddMultipleAttributes(4, component.GetAttributes());
			return false;
		return true;
builder.Services.AddComponentBuilder(configure => {

:blue_book: Installation Guide

Install-Package ComponentBuilder

//configure costomization such as Interceptors
builder.Services.AddComponentBuilder(configure => {

Read document for more informations

:pencil: Component Library Solution Template

Use ComponentBuilder.Templates to generate a razor component library solution and online demo site

dotnet new install ComponentBuilder.Templates
dotnet new blazor-sln -n {YourRazorLibraryName}

More information see templates