

Python D4M

D4M.py is a module for Python that allows unstructured data to be represented as triples in sparse matrics (Associative Arrays) and can be manipulated using standard linear algebraic operations. Using D4M it is possible to construct advanced analytics with just a few lines of code. D4M was initially developed in MATLAB by Dr Jeremy Kepner and his team at Lincoln Laboratory. The goal is to implement D4M in a native Python method.

The D4M Project Page: https://d4m.mit.edu/

Current Status: Many of the functionalities of cores D4M have been implemented, and basic Accumulo/Graphulo connection capabilities exist.



D4M.py is written and tested to work with Python 3.6 through 3.9 . It makes use of


You can clone D4M.py and in the D4M directory run

python setup.py install

from the command line.

Basic Use

Start by importing the D4M.py package:

import D4M.assoc

Associative Arrays can be constructed from strings, arrays of strings, scalars, and arrays of numbers as row keys, column keys, and values:

row = "a,a,a,a,a,a,a,aa,aaa,b,bb,bbb,a,aa,aaa,b,bb,bbb,"
column = "a,aa,aaa,b,bb,bbb,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,aa,aaa,b,bb,bbb,"
values = "a-a,a-aa,a-aaa,a-b,a-bb,a-bbb,a-a,aa-a,aaa-a,b-a,bb-a,bbb-a,a-a,aa-aa,aaa-aaa,b-b,bb-bb,bbb-bbb,"

A = D4M.assoc.Assoc(row, column, values)

You can get particular rows and columns of associative arrays by using row and column indexing, as well as get the entries where the values satisfy some condition.

Ar = A["a,b,", :] # Select sub-associative array of A consisting only of rows "a" and "b"
Ac = A[:, "a,b,"] # Select sub-associative array of A consisting only of columns 'a' and "b"
Av = A > "b"      # 0,1-valued associative array corresponding to entries of A with value > "b"

Associative Arrays support a variety of mathematical operations, including addition, subtraction, matrix multiplication, element-wise multiplication/division, summing across rows/columns, and more.

A + B         # Associative array addition
A - B         # Associative array difference
A * B         # Associative array multiplication
A.multiply(B) # Associative array element-wise multiplication
A.divide(B)   # Associative array element-wise division
A.sum()       # Sum over entire associative array
A.sum(0)      # Sum down columns of associative array
A.sum(1)      # Sum across rows of associative array

To support commonly used queries and operations, the D4M.util submodule contains additional utilities for working with D4M.assoc and D4M.db. Some example uses:

import D4M.util

D4M.util.startswith("a,")       # Callable which, applied to a sequence of strings, returns indices of those starting with "a"
D4M.util.contains("a,")         # Callable which, applied to a sequence of strings, returns indices of those containing "a"
D4M.util.to_db_string("a,b,c,") # Properly formatted string for Accumuldo DB queries

For more exmaples of how you can use D4M.py, check out the examples in the examples directory, including some examples with real datasets.

Database Use

Use of the database connection capabilities requires Graphulo. Graphulo is available on this page: https://github.com/Accla/graphulo. To use, start by importing the D4M.db submodule:

import D4M.db

D4M.py relies on the Py4J package to call the Graphulo functions that enable database communication. The main setup command is D4M.db.dbsetup(instance, **config_params), which returns a D4M.db.DbServer object containing configuration data for the indicated Accumulo instance as well as starting the JVM.

The main D4M.db commands:

DB = D4M.db.dbsetup("test-db")  # Create DbServer object to connect to "test-db" Accumulo instance

Db.ls() # Print out names of tables currently in "test-db"

# Create DbTable binding to table "test" in "test-db" 
# or create table "test" in "test-db" and bind to it if no such table exists
test_table = D4M.db.get_index(DB, "test")   

# Create DbTablePair binding to tables "testpair" and "testpairT" in "test-db"
# or create tables "testpair" and/or "testpairT" in "test-db" and bind to them if no such table(s) exist
test_table_pair = D4M.db.get_index(DB, "testpair", "testpairT")

# Create DbTable which iterates through test_table one hundred entries at a time
test_iter = D4M.db.get_iterator(test_table, 100)

# Insert triples ('a', 'A', 'aA'), ('b', 'A', 'bA'), and ('b', 'B', 'bB') into table "test"
D4M.db.put_triple(test_table, "a,b,b,", "A,A,B,", "aA,bA,bB,")  # Method 1
test_table.put_triple("a,b,b,", "A,A,B,", "aA,bA,bB,")          # Method 2

# Insert triples ('a', 'A', 'aA'), ('b', 'A', 'bA'), and ('b', 'B', 'bB') into table "testpair"
# and ('A', 'a', 'aA'), ('A', 'b', 'bA'), and ('B', 'b', 'bB') into table "testpairT"
D4M.db.put_triple(test_table_pair, "a,b,b,", "A,A,B,", "aA,bA,bB,") # Method 1
test_table_pair.put_triple("a,b,b,", "A,A,B,", "aA,bA,bB,")         # Method 2

# Query tables
A = D4M.db.get_index(test_table)                  # Output table "test" as a D4M.assoc.Assoc
B = D4M.db.get_index(test_table, "a,", ":")       # Output row "a" of table "test" as a D4M.assoc.Assoc
C = D4M.db.get_index(test_table_pair, "a,", ":")  # Output row "a" of table "testpair" as a D4M.assoc.Assoc
D = D4M.db.get_index(test_table_pair, ":", "A,")  # Output row "A" of table "testpairT" as a D4M.assoc.Assoc
E = D4M.db.get_index(test_iter)                   # Output first hundred entries of table "test" as a D4M.assoc.Assoc
F = D4M.db.get_index(test_iter)                   # Output second hundred entries of table "test" as a D4M.assoc.Assoc

# Delete tables
D4M.db.delete_table(DB, test_table)                   # Delete table "test" from "test-db" after confirm
D4M.db.delete_table(DB, test_table, force=True)       # Delete table "test" from "test-db" without confirm
D4M.db.delete_table(DB, test_table_pair)              # Delete tables "testpair", "testpairT" from "test-db" after confirm
D4M.db.delete_table(DB, test_table_pair, force=True)  # Delete tables "testpair", "testpairT" from "test-db" without confirm
D4M.db.delete_all(DB)                                 # Delete all non-default tables from "test-db" after confirm
D4M.db.delete_all(DB, force=True)                     # Delete all non-default tables from "test-db" without confirm


Note Various parts of this implementation have been completed and compared with the original matlab in performance. In the examples/Scaling subfolder, this implementation has achieved performance on par with the Julia and MATLAB implementations of D4M. The HPEC 2022 article "Python Implementaiton of the Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model" shows performance and analysis comparisons.

The associative array and utility submodules can be tested for correctness by running the command "pytest" in the D4M/test subdirectory. The database submodule can be included in this testing by renaming the file "_test_db.py" to "test_db.py"; custom configuration info for py4j, Graphulo, Accumulo, and path to Accumulo instances may be included in "test_db_config.txt" for use when running tests.